Monday, July 28, 2008

For a science career, possibly oncology(cancer treatment), which foreign language should I take during college

For a science career, possibly oncology(cancer treatment), which foreign language should I take during college
I am going to be a freshmen in college this fall. I am going to major in molecular biology, probably heading for med school after that. I want to do something in oncology (cancer treatment). My question is whether i should take something like Chinese, for the high demand of people fluent in Chinese, or should I take something like Spanish, since obviously there is a large Spanish population in the US?
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Chinese Culture and language are something difficult-- yer rewarding. However, there might be a need for Chinese speakers, but that is mostly in the areas of the CIA or Medical Researcher, the former taking the top spot. Hispanic people still not graduating from college like they should and their population is to said the least, exploding. Much of the grow is from immigration, Therefore, people with low English skils. Taking Chinese would not hurt. But taking and Mastering Spanish will help. Even UCLA agrees:
2 :
Take the foreign language you took in high school.

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