Friday, August 1, 2008

Tell me more about liver and lung tumors, how many types of cancer, treatment options

Tell me more about liver and lung tumors, how many types of cancer, treatment options?
My mom just found out that she has type II diabetes, 5 or 6 tumors in her liver and 5 or 6 tumors in her lungs. They did a liver biopsy on Fri. and they're doing a MRI on Monday of her brain and a bone scan and mamogram also. They also want to check her colon. Is this serious? She had cervical cancer about 18 years ago and had surgery to remove it. How many types of cancer and what are the treatment options for her condition. Thank you.
Cancer - 1 Answers
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What they have found with your Mom is definitely serious, which is why they want to do all of the tests you mention. There seem to be new cancers discovered every year, so there is no simple answer as to how many cancers there are. The treatments are surgery, radiation with x-rays, and chemo-therapy. There are also alternative medicine approaches which occasionally work for cases that are not advanced.

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