Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I need to find assistance for medical help and medications for treatment of Barrett's Esophagus cancer

I need to find assistance for medical help and medications for treatment of Barrett's Esophagus cancer?
My son has this cancer and is unable to work, has five children and no insurance. I am unable to provide the money for the expensive cancer treatments and medications. I need to find where we can get assistance for him.
Cancer - 3 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The first place you should start is public assistance. Basically, Welfare. Because he's out of work, has 5 children should be a red flag to the state and let him get Medicaid and Welfare for his children. If they won't help. go to the blue pages of the phone book and look under your state for help. Trust me, there's more out there than you know. When my husband had 3 heart attacks at 43, we couldn't get any help. Nothing. Yes, we had insurance, but because we owned our own home, we were considered ineligible. They told us we would have to sell our home to get help and to get on disability, he would have to be out of work for a year. How fair. Gee, we always paid our taxes and everything, but when we needed the help. couldn't get it from our own stinking state. Nice huh. I wish him the best. I hope you find him some help. Just don't give up looking. Search those blue pages. That's what they're for. God bless you. I pray your son gets better..
2 :
Barrett's esophagus isn't cancer. It is known to usually develop after have GERD for years. OTC meds, like prilosec reduces the irritation from stomach acid backing up into the throat. If, by rare chance, it's turned into adenocarcinoma, he may can get public assistance. Disability approval isn't contigent upon not owning your own home. My home is only months from being paid for and I'm on disability. I wasn't asked to disclose my living conditions. Once you're approved, there's a 6 month waiting period starting at the time your condition disabled you. Nor is it contigent upon your spouse's income.
3 :
The American Cancer Society provides informatiion and links for financial assistance and health insurance for cancer patients. Another excellent resource is the oncological social worker associated either with the cancer clinic or hospital . . they usually help cancer patients get the proper forms together to apply. http://www.cancer.org/docroot/MLT/content/MLT_1x_Medical_Insurance_and_Financial_Assistance_for_the_Cancer_Patient.asp

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