Saturday, February 28, 2009

What is the total cost of breast cancer treatment

What is the total cost of breast cancer treatment?
Can you give me an estimate of the total cost of breast cancer treatment? I would like to know the cost in order for me to see whether I can afford one The treatment is for my love who possibly has breast cancer :( but I want to know the total cost to pay it
Cancer - 4 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
2 :
It really is impossible to answer your question because there are many different types and severity of breast cancer and costs vary by country.
3 :
We have kept very accurate records.... All doctors visits, all tests and labs, 27 weeks of chemotherapy, surgery (mastectomy, with overnight hospital stay) radiation including all doctors visits. On the west coast: $300,000 + Depending upon the stage of the cancer you may not need everything we had done.
4 :
The answer varies tremendously based on: 1) What country the treatment is performed in 2) Stage of cancer 3) What type of surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and follow-on medications are used An early stage cancer, not requiring expensive imported drugs, that is treated in China or India might cost US$10,000 to $20,000. However, 2nd or 3rd stage cancer treated in the USA could easily cost US$200,000 to $300,000. Treatment in America is ridiculously expensive, but their outcomes are no better and sometimes worse than in other countries. Cancer is an open-ended illness. A patient's cancer may be successfully treated today, but it could return in another year, so plans must be made to pay for possible future treatment.

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