Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Where is the best cancer treatment center for adult rhabdomyosarcoma? My father is in stage 4 of this cancer

Where is the best cancer treatment center for adult rhabdomyosarcoma? My father is in stage 4 of this cancer.?
My father was just diagnosed. It's metastasized to lungs from a tumor that developed on his leg muscle (lateral tibia). Everybody in the family is doing research on the web looking for the best options for treatment.
Cancer - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
stage 4..... its too late.... he is going to die sooner or later
2 :
mayo clinic hope he has excellent insurance and the money to cover the gaps in coverage follow the link below good luck At least 100 thousand dollars of cash on hand is going to be needed mayo is the best and most expensive in the country people from all over the world fly for their services.
3 :
If you don't find your answer on the web, call one of these and ask: M D Anderson Cancer Center Sloan Kettering Cleveland Clinic Fred Hutchinson You need a major cancer clinic. These are among the best. Geography may influence your choice but do go to the center that is specializing in his type of cancer.
4 :
Stage 4 is pretty late. There is something you could try. It hasn't been scientifically proven but it wouldn't hurt to try. Cooked asparagus has many antioxidants and is suppose to be good with helping cancer. I've heard it's a hoax but a good diet could help. Though the best cancer treatment hospital in the US is Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York. But do get him on a diet with high antioxidants and cancer preventing agents. Many veggies and fruits have it.
5 :
He needs to be treated at a center that sees a lot of this type of cancer. No one hospital is the best. Major teaching centers such as Mayo, Anderson, Sloan-Kettering, etc are a great start. Having said that, a patient is stage 4 doesn't have good odds at living very long. Your family needs to talk about this possibility. Depending on what the oncologist (cancer doc) says, palliative care (to keep him comfortable, not cure) may be best, Hope & pray for a miracle, but also be realistic. Best of luck.
6 :
It's never too late! Don't listen to other people's OPINIONS. I had this cancer twice in 1998 and a reoccurance in 2000. Was given about a month with 0% chance. I was treated at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD. You can contact them to see if they have a protocol for your father. Go to www.nih.gov and click on clinical trials. My local oncologist referred me to them. Things have come a long way since I was last treated...so don't give up! If I can make it, your dad can too! I will keep him in my prayers.

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