Does the treatment for cervical cancer always include chemo or radiation? Can someone Just have a hysterectomy and then be in remission or do they always do the chemo and radiation after the hysterectomy?
Cancer - 3 Answers
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1 :
No. Somtimes they can just remove a portion of the cervix. and hope it does not return. But if the cancer is full blown they might just do a hysterectomy.
2 :
For cervical cancer Hysterctomy is not the final treatment. Only about 10% of hysterectomies are performed to treat cancer of the cervix, ovaries, or uterus. Women with cancer in one or more of these organs almost always have the organ(s) removed as part of their cancer treatment. Total hysterectomies are usually performed in the case of uterine and cervical cancer. This is the most common kind of hysterectomy. By doing Hysterctomy ONLY there is every possibility of cancer cells remaining in the system and they are required to be killed by Chemo and radiation therapy. So chemotherapy and radiation are very much required to be followed even after doing Hysterectomy. This is very important. -
3 :
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