Saturday, October 1, 2011

Does the US offer better treatment for bone cancer, than chemo, or radiation

Does the US offer better treatment for bone cancer, than chemo, or radiation?
My Sister and my Mother have bone cancer, since they don't live in the US I often wonder if they would have better treatment then chemo, and radiation, if they lived here. Thank you.
Cancer - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Well, we do have the most Advanced Health Care in the World, I'd say so.
2 :
Medical treatment is highly standardized across the world. The exact same procedures, medications, and treatment offerings are available in Tokyo, Shanghai, London, New York, and every other major city. There is no difference.
3 :
Better? that is questionable, but quicker treatment options defiantly. BS Sherman thinks that making everyone wait six months for cancer treatments is better than the US one week .
4 :
Well..... I don't know where you live so I can't rate the treatment you will receive. There really isn't a whole lot of options besides chemo or radiation to treat cancer in the mainstream medical system in USA. Some patients are leaving the country to get alternative cures that the US does not recognize as legitimate therapy's. That being said- there are many other options available in the US.The real question is "BETTER" than chemo or radiation really better? I'm a Cancer survivor who owes his life to chemo and radiation therapy. It worked for me. Cancer Treatment Centers of America bases it's advertising on providing the most and best therapy's available for Cancer. I may be biased, being an American- but even so, the research I've done rates America's treatments, drugs, and general procedures a healthy cut above the rest of the world. I guess my best advice - based on my opinion- would be to go with the usual course of treatment prescribed , unless the prognosis or results were terminal.
5 :
generally speaking, surgery and radiation is the protocol sometimes with chemo added on top of those things. Research just hasn't gotten beyond that yet, unfortunately. However, depending on the hospital you're treated at, there may be clinical trials available. For information on clinical trials, visit

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