Tuesday, February 8, 2011

can one rely upon homeopathy for the treatment of cancer

can one rely upon homeopathy for the treatment of cancer?
is there any problem in the patient taking homeo medicine for other diseases while he /she is undergoing allopathic treatment for uterine cancer?
Cancer - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Yes, there is. You have no idea what's really in the concoction called "homeopathic" or whether it's harmful or whether it might interact in a detrimental way with standard chemo. For all you know, you could be poisoning yourself.
2 :
It is your body, you can take any treatment you want. It would be foolishness to take medications from multiple practitioners without double checking with both that there is no inter-reaction. People undergoing cancer treatment such as chemotherapy should check with their oncologist before taking any medication or supplements.
3 :
Only in the sense of homeopathy being beneficial to improving ones overall health. Chemo takes a big toll and can significantly reduce blood counts and homeopathy can help improve blood counts. Caution is advised when mixing therapies, you would not want to take something detrimental if you are taking chemo..
4 :
Don't take anything without running it by your oncologist and/or radiation oncologist.
5 : this saved my life doctor said it was hopeless cancer free in 30 days that was 5 years ago
6 :
One cannot rely upon homeopathy for the SUCCESSFUL treatment of cancer. You can treat cancer with just about anything, including meditation, chiropractic, witch doctors, acupuncture, oriental medicine, bark, berries, herbs, and prayer. Success rate is generally low. As far as taking homeopathic meds, just be sure your oncologist knows about it so the leaves, berries and bark contents won't interfere with the drugs that kill cancer cells.
7 :
read that book in google i am sending u link Homoeopathy in Cancer Treatment By R. K. Roy
8 :
You can rely -You should not stop allopathic treatment -It will be better if you have a condition with homeopathic doctor that you will give money only if you are cured -Why you consult ordinary ,unreliable homeopathic doctor-you can consult a homeopathic medical college -More important is following allopathic food and nutrition rules -You can visit Ayurvedic medical college also -do lab test of homeopathic medicines -You can write e mails to me through this section by clicking my profile

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