Thursday, February 28, 2008

What is the best lever cancer treatment hospital in india

What is the best lever cancer treatment hospital in india.?
My father is 60 years old.Now he is sufering from lever cancer with final stage.Please tell me which is the best Indian lever cancer treatment hospital to cure him totaly ?Please help us.
Cancer - 1 Answers

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Wow, I am so sorry you are dealing with this. I will post a few links in my sources that might give you some help. The Jawaharlal Nehru Cancer Hospital & Research Centre might be a good option but I think your best bet is to contact the doctor that made the diagnosis and follow their instructions carefully. If you want a second opinion, get one if you can but don't put off treatment at this point. If they feel they cannot treat it, seek another opinion. If nothing else hun, enjoy the time you have left with your father. I will say a prayer for your father tonight.

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