Saturday, January 12, 2008

Why the same cancer treatment doesnt work for everyone

Why the same cancer treatment doesnt work for everyone?
I need help explaining this. Heres the question: In one person cancer may be cured through the use of a certain drug or by means of radiation treatment, whereas in another person cancer may be unaffected by these treatment methods. Suggest the most likely explanation for this difference in response.
Cancer - 8 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
There are many types of cancer cells at many different levels so even if two people have lung cancer they may have very different types and very different protocols for treatment.
2 :
the EXTENT and specific KIND of Cancer everyone has different health practices and different anti bodies
3 :
Recent studies have shown a LOT of linkage between DNA and cancer. Not that the DNA causes the cancer, but people with certain DNA "markers" will respond to treatment, but those with different DNA markers will not. There is currently a lot of investigation going on in this area. Right now the only result is that SOMETIMES certain tests can predict IF a drug will work or not. in the future, it might be possible to "tune" a drug to work differently in different patients, or to come up with new "targeted" drugs that are more effective in patients with these certain genetic markers. But the fact remains -- cancer is a VERY personal disease, and it affects each person differently.
4 :
there are lots of different types of cancers out there. every cancer is different in that it affects different locations in the body, it is caused by different cells being faulty and it spreads and progresses by different mechanisms. Its not as simple as finding one solution for cancer and using the same one on everybody. I only wish it was - then life would be so much simpler for all of us. Different peoples bodies who have the same type of cancer often respond to the same type of treatment may work for one person and may not for the other person. there's just too many factors and variations in cancers for it to be that simple
5 :
Because everyone is an individual . . no two people are alike and since cancer is the persons own DNA that for an unknown reason has stopped being normal . . than that means the cancer is unique to that individual as well. Which is one reason it is so difficult to treat. In recent months oncologists have begun to tailor the treatment to the individual in hopes of interrupting the cancer and bringing it under control. Thus even though cancer treatments can be similar . . they work best when the patient is treated according to his own unique body and circumstances.
6 :
There are different types of cancer. Each one responds differently.
7 :
We are all different, hence the different cancer treatments. However, we all have side effects from cancer drugs, although again these vary with different patients. Hence doctors are often unsympathetic when dealing with side effects, as they know the time they spend sorting out yours, won't be any use for the next patient's side effects. So, as a patient, I decided to set up, to tell others of some of the nice medically-approved products and treatments that could help. And found that there are thousands of us with problem side effects, and we can all help each other to get over them. Verite R
8 :
Cancer is a group of many diseases. Learn more here: