Friday, August 20, 2010

How and where do you convert pop tops for cancer treatment payment

How and where do you convert pop tops for cancer treatment payment?

Cancer - 2 Answers

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1 :
you don't. no organization that i'm aware of collects pop tops for breast cancer. even if they did, it wouldn't be for one specific person's treatment.
2 :
The Ronald McDonald House Charities collects the aluminum pop tabs and recyles them. They do this because years ago a hoax started circulating that a childs dialysis or cancer treatments were being paid for with the pop tabs. None of that was true. But the Charity decided to use the rumor to good advantage and began encouraging groups to collect the pop tabs for recyling. You can find out more about the pop tab recyling online: Ronald McDonald House Pop Tab Collection Program Incidentally, it would be better to donate and recyle a whole aluminum can than just the pop tab.

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