Monday, April 28, 2008

If you have had or know someone with cancer, what are the problems with cancer treatment centers

If you have had or know someone with cancer, what are the problems with cancer treatment centers?
I am redesigning cancer treatment centers and trying to find what the current problems are with cancer treatment centers.
Cancer - 7 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
over crowded,usually not enough seating for the paitents and there family or friend in the wating rooms.
2 :
The main problem is the treatments offered by conventional medicine do not work. If it is treatment with chemicals, or radiation, forget it. It is not only a waste of time and money, it also causes more suffering for the patients and their families. Do you honestly believe that treatments offered by conventional medicine work? Do you have solid proof that those treatments really work?
3 :
Limited wi-fi, Tv's are too loud.
4 :
If this is for real more power to U. Most places do not allow the patient to feel like they have control over their own lives. Also nutrition is not emphasized enough. Many cancers can speed their healing with proper diets and most doctors have little training in this area. A good treatment center would have a mediation garden and a courtyard both indoors and out doors. Lots of natural light and a research computer and library where patients could do some of their own research instead of being treated like dummies. Soft colors and soft sounds to please the eye and ear. and soothe the soul.
5 :
Well, I was a cancer patient and the problem I felt most was how doctors were afraid of saying "I don't know" and instead would give me answers when in reality they really didn't know the answer. I didn't expect them to be God and know everything. I only expected honesty. I also experienced a lack of them listening to what I had to say. For instance I decided that I wasn't going to get some of the treatment because getting more would've meant the loss of the use of one of my limbs and though plenty of people are willing to live with that- I wasn't because the only thing that gives me joy in life is being physically active. So the idea of living the rest of my VERY LONG LIFE (I was in my early 20s at the time) not being able to do much was way scarier and unnacceptable to me than the idea of dying in 2 years knowing that at least 1 of those years I could be living an active life. The doctors simply didn't understand this and attacked me and insisted I wasn't taking their threats that I was going to die seriously when that wasn't the case at all. THEY WEREN"T LISTENING TO WHAT I WAS SAYING which only increased my anxiety about trusting them because I was afraid they were just going to do what they wanted rather than what I was saying I wanted. So while preparing to live only a short time I decided to do my own research on the subject because the docs were being so unhelpful and not taking my wishes into consideration. Well guess what? In my research I found out that the treatment they wanted to give me that would RUIN the rest of my life had a poor history of being effective on the type of cancer I had. A VERY POOR history. Of those who recieved this severe Chemotherapy regimen they wanted me on that would ruin my reproductive and immune system for life and remove a portion of my limb - only 30% managed to survive after the treatment. And of that 30%... most of them only survived 5 extra years!! that's it. They wanted to take a chunk of my limb and make me sterile for life and put my immune system down the toilet so that I could have a measly 30% chance of living 5 years of turmoil where I can't even walk??? They didn't think to even mention this to me until AFTER I looked it up myself and brought it to there attention?? Let me tell you- I went ahead and got the radiation, but I refused all other treatment and just decided to live the best life I could. That was years ago... and I'm happy to say that I'm Cancer free and can run and jump and have children and even if I were to find out that it was going to return in a couple of years - not getting that awful treatment was worth the last 4 years I've been living so far. Very worth it. And if the doctor's bothered to listen to me instead of seeing me as some kind of project things would've been a little different.
6 :
The chemo center I went to was way too small, and people were packed in there like sardines, very close together. There was no tv, or wifi and no place for visitors to sit, should a patient want or need a loved one with them. Most patients are there for many, many hours and it was boring (at least for me). At my center there was only one nurse to tend to up to six people at a time. It felt very impersonal. The room was dark and the colors were not inviting. The experience was not very positive for me, and I am a very positive person even with my illness.
7 :
Good luck - many centers need a good dose of TLC and thinking about what the patient wants. If you go to (sic) there is mention of some good centers. Also if you trawl around on the site, there is information about helpful attitudes, ideas that might be incorporated into a center, etc. Verite R

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