Cancer - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Unfortunately dismal. See your doctor right away.
2 :
Death but you knew that already didn't you?
3 :
If left untreated, then the cancer will continue to grow and eventually overwhelm the patient.
4 :
Unfortunately the outlook is quite bad, especially with out treatment.
5 :
Agree with BSherman and Monocyte What stage? This is crucial information you are not providing us. Surgery is by far the best treatment for renal cell carcinomas. The best hope is to resect these completely if possible. Systemic treatments - e.g. various chemotherapy treatments - have a low partial response rate and virtually zero cure rate for advanced metastatic disease. It sure would help us to know the stage of the person's disease you are asking about. For those with advanced metastatic disease, a person may have a similarly poor outlook with or without treatment since many of these renal carcinomas do not respond to any of the multiple chemotherapeutic options we have available - all of which are very expensive and yield limited responses for a minority of people.
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