I don't mean to be cold. It is a serious question. Does anyone know if he got a pill and end of life counseling or did he get the best medical treatment available?
Politics - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Ask Mary Jo Kopechne.
2 :
The "best medical care available" would INCLUDE end of life counseling. Despite what the ignorant may say.
3 :
well he Roman Catholic so he got the last rights
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5 :
My mom had kidney failure but she had already signed a living will so there was no dialysis. I'm sure the Kennedy's all have living wills so no end of life counseling necessary.
6 :
He's working on his own end of life plan by asking MA to change their state law so the governor can appoint his successor. They changed it when Mitt Romney was governor to require that a special election be held. Now there's a Democrat in the governor's mansion, so he wants it changed back. On a serious note, I'm sure his physician and/or attorneys have already discussed end of life decisions with him. I've had two family members die of cancer, and both of their oncologists discussed options with them when they were diagnosed as terminal. They were also advised to have their legal paperwork in order. It's actually a fairly common practice in the oncology field. Why Congress has decided that it needs to be mandated is beyond me.
7 :
They should have just done what Obama suggests...give him pain pills. No expensive treatments. Especially considering he is overweight, alcoholic, old and generally not a good risk.
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