I have a 26 year old friend who has been diagnosed to have Colitis ulcerosa. Any suggestions to ease his treatment and recovery?
Cancer - 6 Answers
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1 :
Some people have tried steroids like prenisone which are normally prescribed for asthma patients.
2 :
This is something we are considering for a relative battling cancer: http://www.rain-tree.com/graviola.htm
3 :
tell him to smoke pot
4 :
hi. Ive hv a cousin who has blood disorder/blood cancer.She's 34 now with 3 young kids of her own.Married for 10 yrs and she is absolutely sick.She has deppression eversince she was told to have that sickness.3 weeks in the hospital,actually make her so weak and after she get back,we advised her to take some supplements coz she was totally weak.She cant eat and sip anykind of food or drinks.So,we give her spirulina (20 pills - perday) and the best thing is that DR XENEJI. (liquid food drink) twice per day.Dr XEneji can kills cancer within 24 hrs.Produce new cell for the body.So she gain her health within 3 days and getting better.SHe put on weight now.But somehow her hair drops a few nths ago..but to the advise of the expert,she double dosage of the spirulina...and take AO MAX - OXYGEN WATER anytime she needs.Now she becomes much more better ..we felt happy for her.I think you can help ur fren that way also.Try to look for supplement that can help with the cancerous.Give love and care/concern.Nothing in this world is impossible.Theres a cure to everythin if we willing to look n reach for it.ALl the best..hope u can find one that can cure ur fren and bring health again.
5 :
Are you sure of your friends diagnosis. Ulcerative colitis is not cancer and is not normally treated with chemotherapy or radiation. The answer though about successful treatment for cancer other than chemo or radiation, is yes, there are other modalities depending upon the type of cancer and its location not to mention the health and age of the patient. Other treatments could be surgery, radiofrequency ablation, hyperthermic chemoperfusion, limb perfusion, cyberknife, hormonal therapy, targeted therapy, biological therapy, bone marrow or stem cell transplants, gene therapy, laser therapy, photodynamic therapy - all which may be used in combination as a 'multi-modality' of treatments. Other options include clinical trials and experimental treatments.
6 :
You can try emu oil gel caps. they are safe to take and have no sideeffects. Emu oil kills cancer cells.
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