Monday, November 28, 2011

Increase platelets for cancer treatment

Increase platelets for cancer treatment?
How do you bring platelets up to have proper treatments for cancer.
Cancer - 4 Answers

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Neumega is a daily injection that kind of squeezes the bones to get those platlets out. I used neupogen (for white cells), which is very similar to neumega, and would have used the neumega to help continue with my treatments if I weren't allergic to it.
3 :
A cancer diet needs a good balance of minerals because minerals are needed by all cells for proper function. Patients are often found to be mineral deficient, so this is an area of the diet that needs particular attention. There are two classes of minerals. Macrominerals, such as the well known calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and phosphorus, and microminerals, such as boron, chromium, copper, iron, iodine, germanium, sulfur, silicon, vanadium, zinc, manganese and molybdenum. The good news is we will get most of the minerals we need, provided we are eating a diet based on a wide variety of fruits and veggies, with the addition of nuts, seeds and grains. Where we can get in to trouble is that minerals are washed out of soils with constant rain, and modern fertilizers don't usually contain the wide variety of minerals we need. Organic gardeners usually use rock minerals on their soils and this results in organic produce have a much higher and broader range of minerals. Germanium is one micromineral that cancer patients are often low on. It is essential for immune function and is critical to tissue oxygenation. Cancer grows rapidly where there is low oxygenation of cells. Germanium is found in broccoli, celery, garlic, onions, rhubarb, sauerkraut and tomato juice as well as aloevera and ginseng. Iodine deficiency has been linked to breast cancer in more than one study. Seasalt contains iodine and a variety of minerals rather than the isolated highly processed iodine additive in table salt. Asparagus, garlic, lima beans, soybeans, sesame seeds all contain natural iodine along with the nutrients needed for good absorption. Large amounts of brassicas eg brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower, along with peaches, pears and spinach can block absorption of iodine, so ensure there is a balance of iodine rich foods in your diet. Selenium has been linked to cancer. Selenium and Vitamin E work together to attack free radicals. Selenium is critical for pancreatic function, and pancreatic enzymes are critical to the bodies ability to fight tumour activity. This mineral is generally found in meat and grains, however countries such as New Zealand and much of America is known to have selenium deficient soils.
4 :
I've never heard of that. So I would say no try asking your doctor or going online.

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Thursday, November 24, 2011

If healthcare is better in other countries, why did Ted Kennedy choose cancer treatment here in the US

If healthcare is better in other countries, why did Ted Kennedy choose cancer treatment here in the US?
<cant wait for the spin on this one> Youre dead wrong, it most definitely IS about the level of care!
Politics - 27 Answers
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It's not about the level of care, it's about access.
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That's going to be tough to argue with. He sure as hell didn't go to Canada for their excellent care. It IS about the level of care! The current public option on the table would provide nowhere near the level of care that Congress receives!!!
3 :
We have the best care money can buy, the funny thing is that you think you can afford that care.
4 :
Out of patriotism. Note that American health care failed him - he's dead due to doctors greed.
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It's more the access to it, not having to go through HMOs and such.
6 :
He's a rich elitist. He can afford expensive private doctors while he advocates that the rest of us peasants get on the public plan.
7 :
He figured he might as well get some get Private Healthcare then get rationed like everywhere else? How do you take care of 50million more people with the Current # of doctors?
8 :
The same reason why most people receive health care in their own countries. Oh! And Kennedy received government provided health care. He lived a long time. And, the health care debate is not concerned with the quality of the facilities, rather it is the quality of the insurance which allows access to them.
9 :
I am not sure his life insurance includes expenses at Swiss clinics Besides drugs are everywhere the same. The only difference is that you guys pay more for your doctors and drugs and have uninsured people.
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Probably because he's a member of Congress, and they get the best PUBLIC CARE already available to them... Conservative Congress, isn't against public healthcare options...they are against public healthcare options for YOU AND ME !
11 :
His insurance bureaucrats would not let him go outside the network.
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Because Medicare only works in the US. Why pay forhealth caree when it free here?
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It's not better! If Teddy was a "regular" person in another country, he would have had to wait for treatment!
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Why did Farrah Faucet keep leaving the country for treatment?
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he's dead though, maybe if he was here in the UK using our socialized health care service he would have lived longer, especially seeing as our life expectancy is longer.
16 :
He gets it for free and we have the best cancer care. People come here from all over the world because we are the best. Peace
17 :
Their health care is considered better mostly due to the access of preventive care, if he would have been Canadian he would feel like 40 at 77...
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Because this whole issue is not about health's a power grab by the left to take over this free country and socialize it.
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Nobody says its better in other countries. The insurance system in the US sucks, not the care. So it is you who are applying the spin. I understand opposing Obama's plan, but anyone who goes with the "system is fine as is" argument is off their rocker.
21 :
His job is in the US... but setting that aside, health care here is excellent...for some. Kennedy included. It is horrible for others. That's the problem.
22 :
He was filthy rich and could afford the best treatment in the world. Where did he go to get his treatment? humm...Your question kinda answers itself. Good job. It's Bush's fault though remember.
23 :
Like the rest of us in a free America, he had a CHOICE! So let's "do it for Teddy" and give us all the same CHOICE and leave government dictation out of it.
24 :
Ted Kennedy had the best health insurance available in the USA, said health insurance subsidized by the taxpayers, why would he go to another country? Kennedy wanted to continue to appear in the Senate as long as he could. Considering that he had the best care available in the USA there was no need for him to go to another country. Americans who are denied care by their health insurance companies cannot afford to go to another country for treatment, can you? Level of care? From personal experience I received A+ care in three hospital stays in Western Europe all socialized health care. Spin that!
25 :
He's a Kennedy. That's the only reason he was a lifetime senator. I hope he enjoyed his life of luxury on his families dollar and OURS. Sucks, but there was no way he would be given less than the best possible health care... after all he was a political icon. He knew where he wanted to get the best care, right here in the good ol' USA!
26 :
Duh! because he lives here and he could afford it!!! But what he wanted for everyone else was to have healthcare as a fundamental right not as a privilege. Try going to one of those free health fares that travel around the US, and see people queuing up for two days like they do in Africa, hoping to get treatment they so desperately need but can't afford. Or as one doctor put it, the third world is here in America!
27 :
Ted Kennedy was American that's why and the rate of Successful cancer recoveries is no greater in USA than anywhere else in The Western Civilized World. You have Fantastic Doctors but so do other Countries. Della Reese came to Canada for her Brain Aneurysm. TO LONDON ONTARIO .> CANADA. DELLA REESE WAS TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL IN THE FORM OF DR DRAKE FROM CANADA> In 1979, after taping a guest spot for The Tonight Show, she suffered a nearly fatal brain aneurysm, but made a full recovery after two operations by noted neurosurgeon Dr. Charles Drake at University Hospital in London, Ontario. There are World Famous Surgeon whose Techniques are used all over the World Woman has first face transplant The operation lasted several hours Surgeons in France have carried out the first face transplant, it has been reported. All over the World , we have excellent Doctors Famous Russian Doctors.. Too :) I am happy I am in Canada too I am treated the Best :)

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

What is the treatment for mouth cancer from doing chew

What is the treatment for mouth cancer from doing chew?
Today I went to the Doctor's office and was told I have mouth cancer and they have to remove the cancer in the side of my mouth and jaw. What is the surgery? Will this affect my appearance? He said the cancer goes from the meet from my jaw to my neck up to my throat.
Cancer - 5 Answers

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Sodium Bicarbonate cancer therapy, a natural therapy to treat cancer, by Dr Simoncini, oncologist - Rome. Oropharynx cancer and stomach cancer. (Gerson Therapy) Cancer Cure: Dying to Have Known (Gerson Therapy) : (Hippocrates Health Institute)
2 :
This varies dependent on the exact location. Your Dr is the best person to advise.
3 :
Well that's pretty serious, and your main goal is to survive the cancer. I'm pretty sure you will have a few scars - maybe you won't be a movie star but surgeons are very good these days.
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I think that it's best for you to ask your doctor because there may be some medicines that is to strong for you.
5 :
mouth cancer is like the slower growing form of skin cancer. they will remove the affected area and see how deep the cancer has gotten... you have likely had this for a long time... anybody that chews needs to see a specialist just for a mouth check at least once per year... just like people who have a history of moles and skin cancer.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

How much does thyroid cancer treatment cost

How much does thyroid cancer treatment cost?

Cancer - 3 Answers
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probably the minimum expense would be $100,000. Figure all the testing costs a fortune, that is untold doctor's visits and various kinds of x-rays, scans, and biopsies. If you need any kind of chemotherapy, surgery, or radiation then add about $50,000 to each of those (minimum) Not to mention all the types of drugs that could be prescribed for the diagnosis. For example: Breast cancer cost us over $350,000 plus since the diagnosis (closer to $400,000). That is why we cannot allow cancer to bankrupt citizens of this country in fighting this terrible disease. Whatever kind of cancer you have, if caught early has a great survival rate. For instance breast cancer stage 1 has about a 95% or better rate of survival with proper treatment. Without insurance the survival rate drops to 52%. Why? Because the patients cannot afford either the treatments, medications, or follow up examinations necessary to fight the disease.
3 :
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -
4 :
I racked up over $120,000 in bills in 4 months. I had multiple ultrasounds, an ultrasound guided Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) Biopsy, those cost close to $3,000. My surgery was more extensive than first planned, so it ended up costing more than $75,000. I had radioactive iodine (I-131) for my follow up treatment, two sets of scans, multiple ultrasounds, CT scans, countless blood tests/ tumor markers...the list goes on! It's been 20 months since my first diagnosis, and I think my current tab is $150,000 and counting.

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Why do people freak when I say if I get colon cancer im most likely going to refuse treatment

Why do people freak when I say if I get colon cancer im most likely going to refuse treatment?
I have UC and a history of colon cancer in my family. After seeing what they went through I don't feel its worth spending my life savings just to go through that mess. My family says they understand my wishes. Is there anyway I can make sure nobody forces me to get treatment?
Cancer - 6 Answers

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As long as you are of sound mind. No one can force treatment on you. Just to make sure you could write it out and have it notarized and filed with your attorney like right now. So they could not say the mental anguish of the cancer is clouding his judgment. I am with you though. If I have like a 10% of living. Why put my self and family through it. But when the time comes, the will to live is pretty strong.
2 :
As long as your are classed as mentally stable then no one can force treat you, if you are classed as mentally unstable and someone tells hospitals and doctors they can treat you. best thing to do is make it clear from the start, or even write a note or letter and put it somewhere safe with all the information on it. that may help.
3 :
you write up a living will you tell your doctor and let them tell you what to do
4 :
we don't know what we are going to dai from. so don't be negative don't give up from the start. even saying it is said to have an influence. If you are living a healthy life now, as you should, the quality of your life, which you will live anyway, will be better and then you may live a long life and have all the fun you wanted to have, and then you may also dai cuz of another illness, who knows?? talking about this issue doesn't help. so chose between happy life and a miserable one, after all you are free and no body can force you.
5 :
If you are a competent adult, they cannot do it. Even if you are not an adult, you can of course refuse to go to the doctor. I suffered from UC for a number of years. I had my colon removed because I was not responding to medication, and was on a downward spiral. Even though I had my colon removed, there is about 1" left that connects the small intestine to my anus (I do not have an ostomy-the doctor did what is called a j pouch). I still get that regularly checked, because I know I am at a higher risk for colon cancer than others. It's worth it as 'preventive maintenance.' You should have regular colonoscopies, and because of your disease and family history, you should get them much more frequently than others. You should be going to a gastroenterologist, and that doctor should be a member of the CCFA-if not, find another. Focus on early detection, and you have a LOT more options. Good luck.
6 :
IĆ¢€™m not sure why you think anyone could force you into treatment, but I also do not understand why you would rather wait for the tumor to perforate the colon and die of septic shock. That would be a long and painful death, not the way I want to go.

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How long can someone live with stage 4 lung cancer without treatment

How long can someone live with stage 4 lung cancer without treatment?

Cancer - 10 Answers
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Cancer is unpredictable. They could live years. In all likelihood, they would only live months, depending on where the cancer has spread. Stage 4 means it has spread. Sorry!
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I believe in that your over all out look on life is manger factor on how long you live. There are many alternative way to treat cancer with out chemo check out the page below.
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Depends on the person and the extent of the stage iv. I was told I had 2-4 months without treatment, perhaps a year with chemo.. I've so far survived 3 years with stage iv, with the help of two cycles of chemo.
4 :
it depends on the age and the current health of the patient but when I googled it, it said 50% of people with stage 4 don't usually last more than 8 months - my dad had lung cancer 6 years ago and luckily they caught it before stage 4 and removed half of his lung and he recovered age 73 but developed bowel cancer 3 years later and we were told possibly 6 months to 1 year but he was dead within 6 weeks of diagnoses.
5 :
This is so hard to answer because you don't mention any medical details like the age of the patient, and other medical problems (diabetes, congestive heart disease, kidney failure,etc.) the extent of the cancer in the lung, any metastasis to other areas, and if it is an aggressive type or not.In general lung cancers can go for more than a year but some types if aggressive will only last 3 months at most. If he has stage 4 now with mets to the brain or bone already, and has increased difficulty of breathing & is relying on O2 and morphine, it could only be a few weeks. Like I said, it all depends. Sorry.
6 :
it depends on how aggressive the cancer is and our good lord above. faith goes a long way when cancer strikes us.i have had breast cancer now 3 years that has mestastise to my bones. my x-husband also has cancer but his orginated in his bone over 6 years ago and he is still going. dealing with lots of pain but no one knows but god,
7 :
I believe a great portion of it is up to the person with the cancer. If you have the will to live and want to beat cancer, the fight will come natural. A positive attitude and way of living is a big part as well.... Like I have been telling my husband who has stage IV brain cancer......IV is nothing but a number. We have been battling his cancer since 01/06/07.
8 :
Doctor's start worrying when cancer has reached Stage 3. The only one who can adequately diagnose this is a medical doctor. Don't rely on any lay people to do this for you. I had stage 1 endometrial cancer and that means it hasn't spread yet. They were able to catch it in it's early stages and I had surgery. Stage 4 means basically the patient will be a goner no matter what the treatment. But then again my sister had Stage 4 Breast Cancer and she had her breast removed and still here. Good luck.
9 :
As you have seen, it will certainly vary on the person. My mom had stage iv, and with treatment she lived for 2 more years.
10 :
Too many variables. Why type of cancer -- small cell or large cell would make a big difference. Also age and health of the patient - will determine how the immune system can fight off certain things. I have seen people die rapidly with and without treatment. The treatment can be as debilitating as the disease. Best thing you can do is ask your doctor. Even he won't be able to give you exact, only a range.

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Friday, November 4, 2011

Public hospitals versus Private hospitals in Singapore ( cancer treatment)

Public hospitals versus Private hospitals in Singapore ( cancer treatment)?
In Singapore, which ones, public hospital or private hospital, is better for serious disease treatment (for example cancer). Private one has better services for sure. Yet does public one benefit from big state-owned research centers (like NUH), which is an important factor in serious disease treatments?
Cancer - 1 Answers

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You are asking in the wrong section. This is for the United States.

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

What treatment for cancer is done to poison the tumor

What treatment for cancer is done to poison the tumor?
Any fit this description. I need the answer for a Finals Review Sheet for my psych class.
Cancer - 4 Answers
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Isn't it kimo therapy? I think it's kimo since they use the radiation to kill the cancerous cells
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high does of radiation treatments (chemotherapy) are done. Some do a few treatments and some do more than a few. Those who don't like doctors try the natural route and buy a juicer. Be strict about your fruits and vegetables. Do like that old man did on t.v. He had cancer and was told he had a short time to live. He bought a juicer and has been healthy ever since.
4 :
How about the ones answering you, learn that chemotherapy is NOT radiation. Those are the TWO treatments, with surgery to remove as much tumor as possible first. Many times, radiation is given with a lower dose of chemo to make any cancer cells left, more suseptible to the radiation effects..Then a higher dose of chemo is often given to kill any cancerous cells that were not destroyed by radiation.. That's not how it is for ALL cancer treatments, but it was for mine..

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