I have been in cancer treatment for the last 3 years, so I read a lot of stuff pertaining to cancer. THere are so many claims out there for alt or natural meds or herbal remedies. I am very well aware some of these things help with treatment. I have used a couple to help, treating the side effects of therapy, mainly on a mind control, psychological basis. However, I want to know: The people who tout some alt med as a CURE, do you feel strongly enough about what you are advertising that you would use the exact same protocol, and that protocol only (meaning no chemo surgery or radiation, as most alt treatments advertise). Anyone currently under going an alt treatment only to treat cancer? I would just like to know how many people truely have that much faith in the methods they are suggesting or selling. Weed doesnt treat the cancer, side effects only. I have used both real mj, and the synthetic thc rx marinol, both helped with the side effects. I have actually finished treatment, and there werent many alt treatments for mine, not even ones that didnt make sense. I am not looking for me, just trying to get some knowledge. I know all sorts of alt treatments help with side effects, provide nourishment and all that. What I want to know, is if anyone that touts these supposed cure treatments have actually used what they advertise alone for treatment (without using chemo, surgery, or radiation). I am challenging those who would like to make a lot of money selling these alt treatments are willing to put their mouth where there money is. For example, is there anyone out there who has actually used, say juicing, ALONE, WITHOUT CHEMO SURGERY OR RADIATION, to TREAT their cancer. Not asking for prevention, or help with side effects.
Alternative Medicine - 7 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
i think you should just smoke a lot of weed, heres a true story for u. a guy had cancer and was most likely going to die, he asked his nurse if it was bad for him to smoke weed, and she said "well u didnt hear this from me, but smoing marijuana can only benifit u at this point"
2 :
Edit, hey I just wrote a 7 page thing up for a friend who wanted cancer advice. Would you like me to send it to you? It expands the points I mentioned here much better. ==== One of my relatives got breast cancer, and as a result I looked into all the alternative medical treatments for it. My family happened to know a super good alt med doctor with a clinic where he tests stuff, so things were a bit easier for me. Long story short, I came to the conclusion cancer normally is pretty easy to prevent or cure (and cheap to do so), but any approach like this is constantly rejected by the medical system since treating cancer is such an incredibly lucrative market. Or put differently, the US has extremely high cancer rates, some of the worst treatment rates, and is the most expensive, but at the same time has managed to convince everyone in the country that the approach they have is best. When we went through the various options existing, we ended up choosing to use a Rife machine, along with orgone stuff (the people that invented both were incarcerated). The tumor dissappeared in about 3 weeks and never came back. The onclogost couldn't explain why. There are a lot of other methods and approachs to dealing with cancer as well that are probably valid, but more than anything else, when you look at how the medical system deals with cancer it's really just absurd. The only negative thing about what was done with my aunt was that we wanted to get the tumor cured as quickly as possible, so we didn't do one thing at a time to ensure a more likely rate of success. I can tell you more if you want. Hope that helps!
3 :
HI there, A friend of mine, recommended a DNA collagen drink to me. I do not know how effective his drink well help you or your condition. But according to my friend it is very good for cancer patient. Some of the famous Hospital in Japan have already been using it to treat cancer patient for years now. There are lots of cancer patients who have full trust in this drink and by just drinking it have got tremendous result and improvement on their condition. My friend send me lots of patients testimonal about consuming this drink. Sorry I don't have the english translation format. What I can do here. I will list the drink ingredients for you to take a look. It contents of Nucleic acid, Zinc, Collagen, Hyaluronate, Chondroitin, Vitamin C, Vitamin B1,Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12. According to the expert and their studies in Japan, this drink can really help cancer patient. Below are the english translation of the components effect: "Helps repairs wounded cell in inner human body. A supplement help all adults (in particularly sick patients), by providing adequate nourishment to the human body. Prevent aging. Improve physique & maintain good health" I have started to consume this drink myself for 8 month or most. All I can really say is. I don't easily fall sick.Infact I have not fall sick for the pass 8 month or most. I have skin alergic problem.And my skin condition is getting better.
4 :
I'm also having TCM for cancer cells / tumor, I diagnosed myself after joining Yahoo answers a month ago. The doctors here are really helpful and the information was just what i needed. I haven't been officially diagnosed by my GP but my TCM doctor did pick it up. I'm waiting for my CA125 test results later this week. So far my blood tests and other tests show that something is very much out of range of normal, I need further tests to determine whether I have CA or not officially by western doctor. I went to my TCM doctor because a friend who has been having treatment for almost 6 months told me about a lady with stomach cancer in five weeks that he helped. He also successfully helped his sister recover from uterine cancer two years ago. I have worked in a hospital before and respect the dedicated doctors very much. However, I've studied the success rates of western treatments for my type of CA, the side effects and lack of convincing success rates made me decide to try alternative medicine. By the way I do have doubts this treatment can help me if I'm diagnosed at stage IV but hope it can, even if I don't believe it, but do believe TCM can help people diagnosed at an earlier stage. I believe that surgery only spreads the cancer cells further plus introduces infection to the body. In my opinion radiation weakens the body too much. And chemo not only kills the cancer cells but also the good ones we need for fighting the renegade cells. For me, seeing is believing and seeing the slow but amazing recovery of my friend who has prostate cancer is one reason I chose to see the doctor I introduced him to. My doctor is not in it for the money, he doesn't even charge sometimes, people who cannot afford to pay.
5 :
I am a Homeopath and treating two cancer patients right now one with Lung Cancer and another with breast cancer. For Lung Cancer I have prescribed TURMERIC POWDER 1/4 of a teaspoon with one table spoon of pure honey three times a day, along with these three Homeopathic Medicine CARCINOSIN in CM(100,000) potency once a week or 10 days and PHOSPHORUS and BRYONIA ALBA both in 30C potency three times a day the patient has showed marked improvemnet in respiration is walking two to three miles a day without difficulty and her blood oxygen is back to normal. I will ask her if I can post her email address so you can correspond with her one to one and ask for yourself. I have treated and cured people with liver cancer due to cirrhosis, hepatitis B and C with SULFUR and BRYONIA in 30 potency and CARDUSS MARIANUS in Q which is the mother tincture potency with 100% results and all of them were deemed incurable by our "REAL DOCTORS" . No charges for treatment ever all of them were charged nothing so money is not what I am interested in Curing is what I will do anything for. Those who are in medicine for money are the ones who end up inventing fancy names for what they haven't got clue how to treat and they call themselves "REAL DOCTORS"(read sarcasm) and they can't stop calling me names for "SELLING" people water as medicine where as my advise and suggestions have always been free of cost not a cent charged to anyone :o). Ask the cured patients if Homeopathy is plain water as a lot of morons call it and can water treat and cure Cancer, Hepatitis and liver Cirrhosis, about liver treatment you can email this person who is still under treatment for as claimed by our REAL DOCTORS as end stage liver disease and gave her a death sentence before this new years eve by the grace of the almighty she is alive and getting better everyday :o) here is a link to her profile you can ask her yourself :- http://answers.yahoo.com/my/profile;_ylt=Aq6HwNHyOwKmFvkuXOMeQEPsy6IX;_ylv=3?show=pmedW3CBaa and ask her if she was ever charged anything for her treatment. And the skeptics be damned for all I care, these are 100% cures they want scientific proof they can go find it themselves it works where the morons fails thats proof enough of how well it works and what science do they talk about which has failed them so far and would go on failing till they know and acknowledge what the truth is, by turning a blind eye just for the sake of selling drastic chemicals as "MEDICINE" and calling Homeopathy a placebo despite all what it accomplishes it isnt lack of proof its turning a blind eye to the truth. They have to become healers yet till now our "REAL DOCTORS" are just certified drug pushers selling medicine not cures. Yee and their thumbs down wont stop me from helping people with real cures nor would their pathetic uneducated Ranting. My sole pupose is show the world what utter farce our so called "REAL DOCTORS" are feeding us in the name of Medicine. Is'nt medicine something which should make you feel better instead of worse after taking it. And does what are "REAL DOCTORS" "REAL MEDICINE" does that ? huh ? Whats scaring the living daylights out of our "REAL DOCTOR" is that their drug pushing days are almost over. The world at large is seeing what the "REAL MEDICINE" can accomplish, next to nil, you are worse off after taking Chemicals sold in the name of "MEDICINE" no cures just fancy names. Homeopathy treats the patient the whole being and helps our natural healing system to over come whatever is ailing our system and get rid of it once and for all, making us a healthier happier person and stronger then ever to fend of the invasion of Virus and disease. It isnt that they lack proof that homeopathy works its just they intentionally turn a blind eye to the truth so they can keep on fooling us and selling us I have to laugh at it "MEDICINE" which destroy all our natural defenses and make us dependant upon yet more chemicals as if God intended us to take chemicals all our lives. Can we call those chemicals medicine ? Ask yourself and you will find the answer. Take care and God bless everyone. Amen
6 :
my mom has lung cancer a friend of mine recomended TURMERIC at 1/4 teaspoon dosage today her dr. told us her tumor has shrank 1 mm in size her blood oxygen went from 78% to 99& after treatments of TURMERIC she is walking now where as she was bedfast. mom was given six months to live eight months ago. she is winning her cancer fight with my friend soul doctor's help' he is a wise man pay attention to him.
7 :
CANCER: On the news last night, it was found that Swedish scientists found that human breast milks kills cancer in a petri dish. People who drink it have had some success in fighting off cancer. You need a prescription and it's not the cheapest thing to obtain, but it works. http://www.sciencenews.org/articles/20061209/bob8.asp http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/4187697.stm