My sister has advanced breast cancer and she already tried several rounds of chemo but cancer came back. So I'm looking for a cancer alternative treatment or something additionally that can be done. Any suggestions are welcome! Thanks
Cancer - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If chemo didn't fix her breast cancer situation the next (and obvious) step has to be to get a mastectomy. Prosthetic breasts are available and even if she can't afford them at least them come without the big CANCER tag.
2 :
What the superior brain Andrew, obviosly is not aware of, is that with advanced breast cancer, surgery usually preceeds chemo and radiation, so a mastectomy has probably already been performed. Sorry but I have no suggestions beyond what her oncologist may suggest. Stay strong for your sister, I know how hard this can be.
3 :
I'm sorry to hear that. Like Tarkarri, I can't suggest anything other than what your sister's medical team recommend. All I want to do here is to caution you against anyone who answers telling you they know a sure-fire cure, whether it be diet, apricot seeds or whatever. While anything that makes her feel better and gives her hope is a good thing, bear in mind that in this context 'alternative; is just another word for 'unproven'. If an alternative medicine had been proven to work, it would no longer be 'alternative medicine'; it would just be 'medicine'. And because some of the alternatives people recommend can be dangerous, it might be as well to do a search on this site for some facts before trying any: My best wishes to your sister, and to you; I know how hard it is to watch someone you love go through this, and I've had breast cancer myself
4 :
Sorry to hear about your sister Eli. You will probably get responses for people suggesting some herbs and other stuff, I say most of them will be worthless, some might help. The problem is you'll never really know and waste money. I agree with lo_mcg to check out quackwatch. A lot of people associate 'alternative' with 'unproven', which is not necessarily right, it just means a different or new way. Many of todays treatments were considered once as alternative medicine. Mastectomy is an option of course if not done already, but there this cancer alternative treatment, which is in fact gene therapy for cancer. They do a combination treatment depending on status and type of cancer, including Biological Therapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Injections of Gendicine (Gene Therapy Drug). Gendicine is approved drug in China for treating all kinds of solid tumors and they have already treated several hundreds of patients successfully. Canadian friends of mine already went to China for the second time, because first of all they saw success after the first treatment and secondly they believe in Gene Therapy and the doctors in China more than their local doctors, just because they are more honest. You can get more info either here: or this is the hospital in China, where they do that treatment: All the best and good luck to your sister.
5 :
The best treatment and her only chance of survival is to see her oncologist and see what other options there are for her. There are clinical studies she may be able to participate in. Don't go for the mumbo jumbo and put her life at risk. There is nothing one can eat, nothing that can be put on skin in any form that will cure of her cancer. Her only hope is using the traditional methods.
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