Friday, December 28, 2012

Has anyone used the alternative cancer treatment called "ESSIAC

Has anyone used the alternative cancer treatment called "ESSIAC?

Alternative Medicine - 5 Answers

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No, but if you read the full body of research on it, it is quite amazing. The Canadian Medical Board even attempted to provide full endorsement for it. Of course, it's inexpensive, based on herbs and can't be Patented so you can be sure the drug company pressure to keep the decades of formal research on ESSIAC very quiet.
2 :
Essaic tea has been "knocked" by accepted medicine for decades defying a huge amount of anecdotal evidence supporting its benefits. If you are looking for alternative cancer treatments in particular I suggest you research Essaic on the net. I also strongly suggest you also research Gumbi Gumbi which is a totally naturally occuring tree from Australia. As opposed to combining herbal products in an attempt to enhance the medicinal qualities of each part and create an engineered product, Gumbi Gumbi or Gumbi leaf tea seems to produce fantastic results as a stand alone cancer treatment.
3 :
I've used Essiac tea for years now, but I combine it with calendula herb, and european mistletoe - all three are known cancer fighters and I mix them together in a tea ball and drink it each day. I had non-hodgkins lymphome and one of the tumors seen on a CT scan disappeared by the next scan after I started drinking it. I've recommended it to my patients (my version) and every one of them has had tumors go down, or not had to go through radiation or chemotherapy due to progress measured by their MDs. The best company is which is a great online store, very cheap and sells in bulk. They also have an ebay store. I don't make essiac in the classic way but it's worked great for me and others. Best.
4 :
I don't know a whole lot about ESSIAC, however, if you're looking for an alternative cancer treatment, then look into Himalayan Goji juice from Freelife. The goji berry itself is high in antioxidents. What ends up happening is the juice will balance your PH levels and increase your alkaline level so your body is no longer acidic and cancer cannot survive. I personally know of two people with cancer who have taken this and now neither of them have cancer anymore. The one guy was given 6 months to live and started taking the Goji juice, with an increase in recommended dossage, and withing 90 days there was no trace of cancer anymore. It takes at least 90 days for the body to completely flush itself out, but sometimes some people see results within only a couple days. This is good for all different health issues. Here's a couple wesites to check out: If you have any further questions on this or need to know where to purchase it, please contact the gentleman through this website He's who I order from and is very knowledgeable about this product. Good luck!
5 :
My daughter doesn't have cancer, but she has Lupus which has caused her internal organs to be attacked. I started her on Essiac about four months ago and it certainly has improved her ability to tolerate the pain from the inflammation. Her blood results have shown slight improvement as well

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Monday, December 24, 2012

Does the poppy have any beneficial effects on cancer treatment besides pain elimination

Does the poppy have any beneficial effects on cancer treatment besides pain elimination?

Medicine - 3 Answers
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no just smoke pot
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No. Poppy treatment is very uncommon because it is an opiate. It reduces pain and also can cause hallucinations.

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Thursday, December 20, 2012

how long can a woman live without treatment for Cervical cancer

how long can a woman live without treatment for Cervical cancer?
If this person was told 3 years ago she had cervical cancer would she be sick or would she be okay or would she be dead?
Cancer - 3 Answers

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That depends on the stage of cancer she was at when first diagnosed. If you have more question, u can post them in:
2 :
It is rare to die of this disease, contrary to popular opinion. It used to be far worse problem. Drug companies have popularized this issue in order to sell vaccinations and other useless things. Normally, the body's immune system gets rid of it within about 2 years and only about 4% of the total number of viruses that cause this cause the cancer. She should see a doctor to monitor the situation, but not get too overwhelmed with the possibilities until she has a good understanding of her condition and there are lots of options open to her. Additionally, she should be working on her overall health regimen and seeing a nutritionist to focus on making her healthy. Treating the symptoms and not her health only results in "MAKE BELIEVE HEALTH." good luck to you
3 :
It would depend on what 'stage' it was at 3 yrs ago at diagnosis & how slow or fast growing it is. Edit: low grade cell 'changes' like CIN1 can sometimes be left without treatment as long as it's kept an eye on but moderate (CIN2) & high (CIN3) would require treatment to prevent it from becoming invasive cancer.
4 :
It depends on the type of cervical cancer and the stage at diagnosis . . the problem is metastasis which is the advanced stage. With metastasis the cancer is no longer confined to the cervical area and is now traveling through the blood stream and can contaminate the rest of the body . . new cancer colonies made up of malignant cervical cells can lodge anywhere in the body . . in the liver, lungs, bones, or even the brain. Eventually the disease will overwhelm the body. Everyone is an individual, though, so it is difficult to know 'how long' anyone will or will not live with or without treatment. In general, once cervical cancer is stage IV the prognosis drops to about 15 percent chance of survival. Compare this to treatment for early stage cervical cancer which is about 90 percent chance of survival if treated early. So . . it really depends on the individual women and what she was told three years ago . . however, if she has untreated advanced cervical cancer than the outlook is grim. A very public figure who had cervical cancer and passed away was reality star Jade Goody who was finally diagnosed with cervical cancer in 2008 and died a year later. She had on and off medical issues starting in 2000, but was diagnosed originally with 'early stage' cervical cancer . . the disease spread rapidly to her liver, bowels, and groin area. In 2002 she had a pap smear indicating the cells were abnormal . . but it wasn't until 2008 that she experienced problems bad enough to seek medical help . . and she died from advanced disease less than a year later. So . . you do the math.

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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Parasitic Asylum seekers and British woman who cant get cancer treatment

Parasitic Asylum seekers and British woman who cant get cancer treatment ?
I have just seen a item of the news regarding a british mother of three who cannot get cancer treatment on the national health partly because the drug is new and how the cost is prohibitive. Frankly this disgusts me a country who can squander funds for scrounging wasters like asylum seekers who culturally have nothing in common with the continent and country they are coming to. The average tax payer is getting a raw deal why should we be providing for another continents people,when the immediate local country is where they should go to claim asylum e.g. iraqis to saudi, etc.
Current Events - 1 Answers
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I'm guessing you didn't see the documentary on Polish Migrant workers on Channel 4 a couple of nights ago right? It was rather eye opening and informative, Isn't amazing how the tabliods label anyone "different" as an asylum seeking "Scrounging wasters" and its readers take it at face value thinking that is the truth and nothing but the truth, if you actually researched with and open eye without biasism or anything of the kind you might learn a few things contrary to what you might think you know... About the woman who can't get treatment for you know WHY they can't give it to her? Just because she has cancer and a mother of 3 she automatically achieves sainthood? For the record that was not a slur on the woman, just saying you should consider ALL the facts before jumping to conclusions, its not as if the NHS/Government is tell all cancer patients to sod off or anything like that, its probably the treatment that she requires hasn't been tested in the uk or isn't considered legal or even available on the NHS (not all of them are) so the NHS can't just up at it and give it to her, far too much red tape to cross through before anything can be done, please put these facts into consideration.

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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Cancer treatment - Does it cost the hospitals more to treat patients

Cancer treatment - Does it cost the hospitals more to treat patients?
physically (Canada - free health care) using technology when compared to patients spending money on pharmaceutical drugs. I dont know if that made sense. Practically do you agree with his hospitals spend more to treat patients using technology than patients spend on pills at pharmacies
Cancer - 1 Answers

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Cancer treatment has all modalities. Surgery, Radiotherapy, chemotherapy and others like immunotherapy. Surgery and Radiotherapy need a lot of infrastructure in the hospital. All modalities need specialists with great learning and experience to treat. It is not just technology versus pills. Most of the cancers need a combined approach for treatment. All are expensive in one way or the other.

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Saturday, December 8, 2012

Is there a cancer treatment that doesn't involve radiation and or chemo

Is there a cancer treatment that doesn't involve radiation and or chemo?

Cancer - 7 Answers
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Often cancers are treated by surgery alone. My dad had a minor case of prostate surgery, and they were able to treat it simply by removing the tumor and then monitoring it. Is that what you meant? And there are other "new age" treatments, but you would have to a be a suicidal fool to try them.
2 :
Doug - The answer is Yes! That treatment is surgical excision of a single cancer mass when there is no other visible tumor in the body. Sometimes, even the primary cancer and a single metastasis (spread) can be treated with surgery alone. Wider spread in the body usually leads to chemotherapy. Often chemo- or radiation therapy is done to increase the remaining quality of life even though it may not prolong life. Results are usually unpredictable as to how effective the treatment will be for any one person.
3 :
There are lots of them. Generally referred to as alternative modalities. Naturpaths and Homeopaths have been using them sucessfully for years. One of the oldest and most popular is a formulation called Essiac. Commonly available as a tea or a tincure 1000s attest to its effectiveness. It is also low cost and entirely without dangerous chemicals, which means no dangerous side-effects. There are any number of good reference sites including: and
4 : is up to you.
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Surgery of course, and you can google monoclonal antibodies but they are generally used with chemo.
6 :
It depends on the kind of cancer you are referring to. If you just want to know in general surgery is usually the best chance for cure with solid tumor cancers. Other treatments are immunotherapy and hormonal therapy.
7 :
Years ago my grandma had stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer, and colon cancer that had all reached throughout her body and into her lymph nodes. Her doctors only gave her a few months to live - if that. So she made out her obituary and got ready to die. She also made up a concoction which proved very useful and actually healed the cancer - proven. She used a half cup of kerosine (kerosene) and a half cup of olive oil and mixed it together. She then soaked a towel in it and placed it directly on her skin. - I would warn that if you do decide to do this please do not be by an open flame or smoke. It took about 2 weeks before she started getting any relief. But it did cure her. She is now 95 years old and still kicking. The only side effect of this I know of is the bad smell of kerosine. If you have any further questions please email me at as I would like to be able to help as many people as I can.

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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

What is the cause and treatment for lung cancer

What is the cause and treatment for lung cancer?
Our pastor's wife has lung cancer.I just wander.She doens't smoke.
Women's Health - 3 Answers

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second hand smoke,(family)sp*> hereirty ,envoiermental, chemo is usaully the cure radoigly
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Lung cancer is predominantly caused by smoking. The individual does not necessarily have to be a smoker. Second hand smoke has been well documented to cause lung cancers. People who spouses are smokers are at an incredible higher risk for lung cancer than other groups. Other causes of lung cancer include: excessive radiation (i.e. x-rays), toxic agents other than tobacco (i.e. aerosols). Individuals who have a close family member diagnosed with cancer are also at higher risk. Treat options are limited. There are several types of lung cancer. Some types are more aggressive than others. For example, small cell carcinoma is much more lethal than large cell carcinoma. Also, you need to consider the size of the tumor. Small tumors can be surgically removed followed with focused radiation therapy. Large tumors are usually first treated with radiation therapy to reduce the size of the tumor. This is followed by surgical removal of the tumor. Afterwards, the patient is treated with chemotherapy. If the cancer has metastasized then options are very limited. High dosed chemotherapy is probably the best option in these cases.

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Saturday, December 1, 2012

What is the cause and treatment for lung cancer

What is the cause and treatment for lung cancer?
Our pastor's wife has lung cancer.I just wander.She doens't smoke.
Women's Health - 3 Answers
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Lung cancer is mostly caused by smoking or secondhand smoke if you are around a heavy smoker. Can also be caused by pollution in the air in people who are genetically predisposed to react to certain chemicals. Cancer can also be found in the lung if it originated elsewhere in the body and spread to the lung.
2 :
jesus is...have faith
3 :
the question is do u smoke?well if u do than thats the answer and the only way to treat it is to do kimo therapy

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