Can more advanced countries and clinics like Mayo Clinic be more beneficial and give you better treatment? Or are the "treatments the same wherever you go"?
Cancer - 4 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I don't know about other countries, but America has very advanced hospitals and clinics for cancer treatments
2 :
Some countries, and some specialist centres can offer more advanced treatment for a range of cancers, because they spend more money and resources on research and development of treatments. However, most countries can treat most of the more common types of cancer, because knowledge and experience is shared around the world.
3 :
It's pretty much the same if you are in any developed country. There might be different clinical trials in different countries or different areas of the same country. Mortality rates are very similar.
4 :
Yes,also some country is cheap for same treatment
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