Saturday, June 28, 2008

can anyone tell me how hard or expensive it is to receive cancer treatment in India

can anyone tell me how hard or expensive it is to receive cancer treatment in India?
I am an American with no insurance and self employed. I make a decent living but am not able to cover costs of the care i need as i have leukemia. I have been considering finding a country to move to that might be affordable and progressive in cancer research. India seems the place that would be appropriate as far as cancer treatment. However i can not find anyone who can or is willing to help me find out what kind of money you need to receive this in India.
Cancer - 4 Answers

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I don't know, are there any doctors left in India. I think they all came to New Jersey!
2 :
How affordable is treatment in India going to be for you if you have to work in their economy and draw the normal wages for an Indian doing your kind of work? Remember, what seems inexpensive to us in this country can take just as big a percentage of a worker in another country's pay. I was once (many times actually) in another country and remarked to my dinner companion that the wonderful lobster feast we had just dined on was ridiculously cheap at $45 for two. She informed me that the $45 was a weeks pay for her, a college instructor!
3 :
There is nothing appropriate about the healthcare in India. There is no standard of care. Physician̢۪s education varies greatly from one area to another. AIDS & HIV is epidemic. They have one third of the world̢۪s tuberculosis cases. They have inadequate sanitation and water supply. Polio has not even been eradicated there for goodness sake. Will the amount of money you save really matter if you end up paying with your life?
4 :
About money you do not worry,money is just a thing for transection,you think about studying about cancer ,health ,helping people,God -You can start a group of people to help cancer patients .Then you will not have a problem for your treatment.Your group can start honey business ,it needs no investment -I am in India,I read in newspapers that people of other countries come to india to have medicine at lesser rate than of their country.I think I can welcome you to my country -You told progressive in cancer research,I Know that there are hospitals belonging to K M C group at Manipal & Mangalore ,they are very progressive,I think world famous,you can search in internet about them.They are considered to be highly intellligent here.I have noted that ,I am not a christian,I am HINDU,some doctors are ,as said by JESUS CHRIST & shown by him while carrying calvary cross,meek & lowly as one of the lecturers there carried my heavy big bag to help me while I was near his college,just like Jesus carryied heavy cross -You know that you can write E mail messages to me through this section by clicking the word e mail which is visible if you click my name here to open my profile

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

People have to wait much longer for cancer treatment than in the US. How much longer should your wife/mom

People have to wait much longer for cancer treatment than in the US. How much longer should your wife/mom?
... wait for breast cancer treatment in order to help 0bama look good?
Politics - 7 Answers
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If it takes it -forever.
2 :
My friend Emily lasted less than a year on the UK system. She had an aggressive Breast Cancer and died last fall because of all the queues and butt scratching.
3 :
I have known several people with different types of cancer, myself included (thyroid) and with or without insurance they have never had to "wait" for treatment in the US. Are you saying in UK they make you wait months for treatment of any kind, even if its life threatening? In US you will get treatment but then you'll spend the rest of your life trying to pay for it and if your unable they will then come and attach any future income and take your house if your aren't able to pay.
4 :
Hundreds of millions of Americans havce no health care insurance. And they are forced to go to Hospitals Emergency Rooms to get treatment after it is to late to help your wife/mom. And with the hospitals budgets being so bad they turn away the people seeking their last chance.
5 :
My Mom was told she had to wait 3 months to have a carcinoma removed and she lives right here in your "no wait health care system" America. Wake up missy.
6 :
Which country are you talking about? I guess you mean socialized medicine. In some countries you may be right. For Canada there was a reported wait time of 24 hours on average from request to treatment for radiation therapy. For breast cancer surgery it was 16 days on average. Here in the US it varies. Often were faster but its not uncommon to have a long wait for a surgical appointment depending on ones insurance provider. In fact a 70 day wait isn't uncommon. The point is moot though because we are not talking about instituting socialized medicine (right now at least). Even if 100% of congress and the president wanted it we simply can't shift our huge medical establishment to a socialized format over night or in a year or in 10 years for that matter. Your talking about an industry that has hundreds of thousands of professional workers many of whom have high salaries and expensive life styles. The medical industry has tens of thousands of installations. Hospitals, clinics, medical supply companies, pharmaceutical companies, medical research labs, teaching hospitals, and the list goes on. Now imagine the job of replacing all of that with a government agency. The owners of those thousands upon thousands of businesses are not just going to give them to the government no matter what law is passed. The doctors and nurses and researchers and so on are not just going to go to work for 1/4 or less of their pay no matter who tells them too. Many simply can't afford too. No one is going to socialize medicine in the US any time soon. Its a pipe dream and our government knows it. Whats more they are not really trying too. That's a myth. They have a better chance of getting Jesus to come and heal all of the sick than converting the US to socialized medicine in Obama's maximum of two terms. When you hear someone say Obama's going to socialize our health care system feel free to laugh in their face. The best he could pull off is too make a universal insurance provider and even that is impossible to do quickly and probably won't happen in his term. No matter how good or not our health care system is, there is no hiding or denying that it is over priced ( the most expensive on average on Earth by a large margin). I have heard the saying "what price can you put on health and life?" Well in the US our answer is pretty much everything you own or will ever own unless your richer than a small country. Assuming you live how great is life in a refrigerator box anyway?
7 :
If she has to wait, it won't make him look good. Canada's people die for cancer often over that. Looks like shit to us from here. Murder in fact.

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Friday, June 20, 2008

Does anyone know what treatment Suzanne Summers rec'd for the breast cancer she had

Does anyone know what treatment Suzanne Summers rec'd for the breast cancer she had?
Suzanne Summers had breast cancer and according to all reports, she is cancer-free now. (She was diagnosed in 2001). I would like to know what alternative cancer treatment she received? My sister has breast cancer and we are looking at alternative treatments. Thanks!
Cancer - 5 Answers

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1 :
Ms. Summers, who was diagnosed with breast cancer in April 2001, chose a controversial route of treatment that included conventional medicine lumpectomy and radiation therapy, along with a daily injection of Iscador she learned to give herself in the abdomen. The controversy that ensued was not simply over the use of Iscador, but her rejection of chemotherapy, which was widely recommended by her doctors for the type of estrogen-dominant breast cancer she had. I know a lady who gives herself Iscador injections for her lung cancer, she is doing well on it but also received conventional therapy. Good luck to your sister.
2 :
Do not assume that Suzanne Summers' only treatments for her breast cancer were alternative treatments. Almost all of the people claiming to be cured by alternative treatments for serious cancers also had traditional treatment but they choose to give the credit for their cure to only the alternative portion of their treatments because this better fits the scheme of their belief system. The same is true for Lorraine Day who also claims to have been cured of breast cancer with alternative treatments but who had traditional treatment also. No the surgery and radiation didn't cure me. It was this herb that I'm selling for 99 bucks a bottle. If your sister has breast cancer then be aware that her window for curative treatment is limited and the time she wastes avoiding traditional treatment is time that the cancer will be spending dividing and spreading. Please do not waste your sister's window of opportunity chasing magic bullets because there are no miracle cures. Yes, surgery and radiation sucks but it does have a proven track record of success in treating and curing cancer. good luck
3 :
the father of Anthroposophic Medicine, was a respected and well-published genius who came of age during the intellectually stimulating era of pre-war Austria. His desire to unite his spiritual epiphanies with his scholarly and innovative approaches to education (Waldorf Schools), the arts, economics, medicine and philosophy birthed a dozen movements throughout the world at the beginning of the twentieth century. , check out this site for detail story
4 :
I agree with quijjibored; most people who make claims for miraculous cancer 'cures' have also had conventional treatment but claim - and believe - that it was an alternative treatment they also took that did the trick. This is apparently the case with Suzanne Summers. Please bear in mind that the word 'alternative' in this context means 'unproven'. If a medicine has been tested and proven to work, it is no longer 'alternative medicine' it is just 'medicine'. Wherever there's cancer there are people eager to part desperate people from their cash in exchange for ineffective and sometimes dangerous treatments. If you are tempted by any particular 'alternative', please do a search on for some facts before investing money, hope and (most dangerous of all) time in something that will not work and will delay effective treatment. There is no way that Suzanne Summers or any other breast cancer patient can know that they are 'cancer-free' - breast cancer can recur at any time, even years after diagnosis and treatment. Conventional treatment isn't perfect, far from it, but we know - because it has been rigourously tested and proven in double-blind, peer-reviewed clinical trials - that it saves many lives and prolongs many more. No 'alternative' treatment has been tested and proven in this way. I sympathise with your wish to pursue less traumatic alternatives; when I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2003 I was something of an alternatives enthusiast. Nobody was going to give ME chemotherapy! I researched thoroughly and in the space of a month had changed my mind, realising that alternative treatments were not only ineffective but a multi-million pound industry out to take my money. Summers apparently decided against chemo; I know people who have done this and in every case their cancer was low grade and early stage - having looked into it they decided the benefits of chemo in their particular cases were not worth it. This is the sort of information you do not have about Summers' cancer - its stage and grade, how many lymph nodes affected - factors she will have taken into consideration before declining chemo and that her doctors will have taken into consideration before deciding how strongly to recommend chemo. I had stage 3 grade 3 breast cancer, with 13 lymph nodes involved (that's aggressive, late stage and likely to spread). I had surgery, chemo , radiotherapy and hormone therapy. Over four years after diagnosis I am fit and well, with no sign of cancer at my most recent routine check-up. My best wishes to your sister for her treatment
5 :
I was diagnosed with cancer and my oncologist had said that chemotherapy would be the best chance of survival. Chemotheraphy is very difficult, but it saved my life. I did not waste 1 minute trying to find a way around this, if I did, I may not be alive to tell my story. I would hope that I shed some light on this for you. Good luck for your sister.

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Monday, June 16, 2008

Which is the best hospital for ovarian cancer treatment

Which is the best hospital for ovarian cancer treatment?
Hi everyone ,I am trying to find the top most hospitals for the treatment of ovarian cancer in London. I don't mind going for private treatment,I just need to know the best one. if you know ,please mention 2 to 3 options .
Cancer - 3 Answers
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1 :
Cancer treatment is highly standardized across the world. Patients are offered the exact same treatment regardless of which hospital they are in. Strict treatment protocols, based on worldwide research findings on efficacy of available medical regimens, are recommended based upon the site, stage, and special characteristics of the cancer. I have attached a weblink to the Merck Manual chapter on ovarian cancer. It discusses diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. Best wishes for a good outcome.
2 :
God can help you live a better life if you want Him to help you. You can have a personal relationship with God by saying the prayer below. God is our Creator, all-knowing, all-powerful, eternal, holy, love. God loves us and sent us His Son, Jesus Christ, so we can go to heaven if we know and follow Him. Forever means without end -- time on and on without death. Forever is what happens after we die. Either we go to heaven and be with God forever, or we go to hell which is very bad and painful forever. The good people who are saved believers in Jesus Christ go to heaven. The bad people go to hell. We need to know and follow God in this world to get to heaven in the next world. We follow God by loving and obeying Him and loving others for Him. Jesus Christ, God's Son, is our bridge to God. Jesus died on the cross to cancel our sins. We need to accept Jesus into our life as our Lord and Savior forever to receive God's blessing and forgiveness plus go to heaven to be with God forever after we die. This is about being a born-again Christian. Faith in God is a gift from God. You can pray for faith in God. Just speak out and ask God for the faith to believe in Him and to follow Him. Some people find faith in God when they realize the beauty in the world is made by God. Evolution can't explain the world's natural beauty, for example, the parks in the world, animals, flowers, peacocks, sunsets, butterflies, rainbows, etc. After you have your faith on, you can pray a sinner's prayer to be a born-again Christian. This prayer is very important and should be said with a sincere heart and faith in God. This is the prayer: "Dear God, I know that I am a sinner and that Jesus Christ is the sacrifice for our sins. I have done the following sins (state these out) and I pray to discontinue these sins. I pray to receive Jesus Christ into my life as my Lord and Savior forever. In Jesus' name, amen." I'm Lutheran and I like the Baptist churches too. You could try out a Christian church and also see about their weekly Bible study group to learn about God's will for your life. You can pray to God about your daily life.
3 :
More than locating Best hospital for treatment you have to identify a very good Oncologist, preferably a surgeon and he will do the needful. Get a good Surgical Oncologist and let him suggest the place or hospital where he wants to treat the patients. I am telling this because the oncologist available at the best hospital may not be a best doctor. Here doctor plays an important role and hospitals are secondary as the treatment methods viz. surgery, chemotheraphy and radiation therapy are all standised treatments and hospitals on their own does not have any major role to do. A good surgeon will identify the tumors and remove them correctly. You may however request him to select a very good hospital with facilites. -

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Thursday, June 12, 2008

What is the best treatment for radiation burns from cancer treatment

What is the best treatment for radiation burns from cancer treatment?
My cousin has stage 4 lung cancer and has been on radiation treatments for 3 weeks to reduce tumors. Wondering if anyone can give me information on really good products to help treat the resulting radiation burns.
Cancer - 3 Answers

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His oncologist should give him a prescription for a soothing burn cream. I was very lucky, as my radiation didn't burn my head or face. It just turned a really tan color. Aww, mommy to super Conrad it's a shame you don't allow people to add you. I've met so many wonderful people on here in the worst of situations. Prayers and Blessings to your little man.
2 :
Changes in the skin because of exposure to radiation are often classified as burns. The damage to the skin is caused by the ionizing effects of radiation rather than heat. The depth and severity of the wound, burn or irritation depends on the intensity and frequency of the exposure. While accidental radiation exposure is possible, most cases of radiation burns are among patients who are undergoing radiation therapy as part of cancer treatment. Cleanliness 1. Keeping your skin clean is the first step to minimizing and treating skin irritation caused by radiation. Use a gentle, non-alkaline soap, avoid oily or perfumed soaps, and use warm water rather than hot water. Gently pat your skin dry rather than rubbing it and don't be alarmed if your skin may be reddened--this is normal. For radiation treatments or exposure to the head, choose a gentle, non-medicated shampoo like baby shampoo. Comfort 2. Your skin needs moisture to heal properly. Radiation damages your skin and compromises its ability to retain moisture. To soothe your skin, apply skin preparations that contain no petroleum products, alcohol or menthol. Hydrophilic lotions or creams are effective choices, as is natural aloe vera gel. Your doctor can also recommend a brand of lotion or cream, or even prescribe one for you. Pat the lotion or cream gently onto your skin; do not rub. If your skin is unbroken, you can use powder on your skin, but powders tend to be drying rather than moisturizing, so use sparingly. Inflammation and Infection 3. If your skin is inflamed, your doctor may prescribe a corticosteroid cream. These creams should be used only as directed to prevent further damage to your skin. Steroid creams cannot be used on skin that is broken. If your skin is broken, your doctor may provide special treatment to help prevent infection, particularly since your immune system may be compromised if you are undergoing treatment for cancer. In the case of open wounds, broken skin, or broken and weeping skin, your doctor may prescribe silver sulfadiazine cream or suggest treatment in a hyperbaric chamber. If you develop a break in your skin while using a steroid cream, notify your doctor right away. 4.Hyperbaric oxygen is latest. Read more: Best Way - Radiation Burn Treatments |
3 :
My son's oncologist prescribed a cream to help ease the pain of the severe burns he got on his back from radiation. Don't put anything on the burns without talking to the oncologist first. Prayers, Mommy to Super Conrad, 4 year old brain cancer smasher!

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Sunday, June 8, 2008

Anyone knowledge of radiotherapy for cancer treatment

Anyone knowledge of radiotherapy for cancer treatment?
I have cancer and this all after my hysteroctomy and now have to go for radiotherapy/radiology for 5 days and for 5 weeks long. Don't know what to expect and the negative side of this treatment? Can anybody help me please?
Cancer - 4 Answers
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I am going to have to have radiotherapy soon, too - they told me what to expect, but I am having it on my neck, so some of it is going to be different (they told me it would hurt to swallow, but I'd assume you will have more side effects in the area of your bladder or stomach, etc.) They will take you one day and diagram on the computer exactly where the computer will aim the therapy - this part takes the longest - and they may write on you with markers - don't scrub that off! Then your daily therapy won't be long - like 20-30 minutes. You can expect to be very very tired, lethargic, maybe some muscle cramping, probably won't be too hungry. If you have some stomach side effects, you might have to eat bland foods or smoothies or stuff like that. The good news is, these side effects don't last - they go away pretty fast after the 5 weeks. Also, it CAN damage the skin - they told me that with my surgery my neck skin (because it's so soft) will probably look leathery and tough - like an old cowboy's skin. I was like "great! Well, I guess that's better than cancer..." So, anyway, Good luck, Get some movies and a warm blanket and some good books, cause you will probably be camped on the sofa a lot. My thoughts are with you.
2 :
Good luck to both of you. My friends who have had radiotherapy both were very tired all of the time. Once their 6 weeks of treatment was over though they were ok. One of them also got burnt. Her treatment was in the breast area and it looked like a bad case of sunburn. Over time it faded, but it was painful initially. They shouldn't burn you when they do it. It will redden though so don't be put off by that. You should also ask your doctor any questions that you have. They won't tell you anything unless you ask and if you ask they tell you whatever you want to know. If you don't ask they assume you know.
3 :
Get a big bottle of pure (100%) aloe vera gel. Slather it on several times per day. This helps prevent the reddening, burning, and sensitivity of the skin at the site of the radiation.
4 :
I've had radiation therapy twice, it really isn't a big deal. You will go in for a mapping session where they will decide exactly how much radiation will be delivered and to exactly what area. I had some very small tattoos done (like freckles) that the technicians used to position me. When I went in each day I was put into the correct position and then zapped once one way and then the machine rotated and I was zapped from a different angle. The positioning takes the most time - the zaps didn't last long. You do want to keep your skin in good condition - don't use any lotion before treatment, but carry some with you and use it right afterward. Your pharmacist can probably advise you but Aloe Vera (no alcohol) is good and I used Base Glaxal and had no skin problems. Talk to your radiation oncologist about any vitamins or supplements you are using. There were some my doc didn't want to me take during treatment-it might be different for you, but do inform your doctor. You may well have some fatigue, but probably not until you are into the 4th week or so and it is not awful. Plan ahead, have some meals stock-piled in the freezer and don't plan any big projects for those last couple weeks. For me the fatigue didn't last long after the treatment ended. That seems to be true for most people. Good luck but don't worry, radiation isn't that scary.

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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

hotlines/websites for support and guidance on Stomach cancer treatment and counseling

hotlines/websites for support and guidance on Stomach cancer treatment and counseling?
I am hoping to find websites and hotlines to help a close family deal with stomach cancer. I am hoping to find some good reliable hotlines and websites that will help them discuss everything from treatment plans to emotional stress to recovery plans. Please let me know any other advise you may have. Thanks!
Cancer - 2 Answers

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hi, my brother has colon cancer he got alot of help through the american cancer society, God bless best of luck
2 :

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Sunday, June 1, 2008

Do doctors warn about late effects of childhood cancer treatment

Do doctors warn about late effects of childhood cancer treatment?
I am doing my college paper on late effects of childhood cancer. The exact topic of my paper is undecided but as for the general topic its late effects. I have been unable to call and actually speak to a doctor, but I was wondering if anyone has had a child that has had cancer. Did the doctor inform you about all of the late effects that could develop with each different type of treatment? If anyone could let me know, Also if you have any specific topic ideas im open to suggestions. Thanks so much!!
Cancer - 1 Answers
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1 :
In general the overwhelming majority of parents are far more concerned that their child is going to die from the cancer and do not focus on 'long term or late effects. Your child has to survive first. For those who do survive it is always a struggle or fear that the cancer will return or a secondary cancer from the treatment will pop up. Parents do the best that they can under horrific conditions . . and although some may 'worry' about the treatment their child receives . . there is often no time to worry about the future because there is no certainty that there will be a future without treatment. The parents I know with children who have survived just feel fortunate to have their children and will deal with any late effects as they occur. Pediatric oncologists are aware that what is being offered can create issues later . . but their priority, like the parents, is to make sure the child survives the cancer first.

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