I mean the rich survive cancer at a much higher rate than the poor or middle class. I also believe that if we can put a man on the moon and that many years ago that we are able to cure cancer....what do you think?
Cancer - 9 Answers
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1 :
I think in like europe they have a cure to at least brest cancer. But if u live in the U.S. The goverment waits like 6 yrs then brings the cure in. But u sound very right
2 :
The only reason the more wealthy of the population survive cancer at a higher rate is because they have the ability to see the Dr often and pay for preventative check ups. Cancer that is diagnosed at an earlier stage is often more curable than a cancer diagnosed in the latter stages. Once a wealthy person is diagnosed with cancer they often do no better than any other individual that has health insurance. If your number is up then your number is up. Money or connections could not save Jackie Kennedy.
3 :
yes, dr burzinki is has one , seriously google him and see.
4 :
Sorry there is no conspiracy theory behind cancer treatments. We just haven't found what we need yet.
5 :
First ..."cancer" is not a single disease like measles. Second ... some kinds of cancer have had the 5-year survival rate go from under 10% to over 90% in the past 30 years. The "cure" rate for early breast cancer, with the standard therapy, is over 90%.
6 :
This question gets asked almost once a day. Do conspiracy theorists never research? There is no cancer cure for several reasons. First and foremost, we dont completly understand cancer. We dont understand exactly what it is that causes cancer, or why it happens. How can you fix something when you dont know why its wrong? Then, of course, we currently cant detect a single cancer cell. If we cant conclusivly say there is no more cancer, then how can we call it a cure? Beyond that...... do you really think that every gov around the world banned together to say that they were going to hide the cancer cure? And even if you do, how many people would have had to have been cured to be able to claim that its a cure. People talk. Do you really think that everyone would keep quiet? And unlike the false hope miracle cures, these people would have the medical records and evidence to back it up. The gov isnt getting anything by having all sorts of people have cancer. In fact, the gov is loosing money. A lot of cancer patients cant work, have no insurance. Since my diagnosis, in Jan of 2005 the gov has been supporting me. It has paid all of my med bills (at an estimated total of a few mil after my stem cell transplant), its paying for my food, and I get a disability check every month. How many other people are that way. My monthly medications total 2000$ right now, paid for by the gov. Actually technically, by the American working public. And then, the money. Most conspiracy theorists assume that a cure would cost the same amount as current treatments. That is sooo wrong. If it was a proven cure, they could and would be charging more than you could imagine for it. I guess that only about 1% of the worlds population would be able to afford the cure, leaving everyone else still getting the same old treatments. Why do rich people get better? Someone else already said it. They have money and insurance. They go to the doc regularly before they had cancer, so when they are diagnosed, its at an early stage. They have good insurance as well as their own money to go ahead and start treatment immediatly rather than waiting a few weeks to a few months as they try to get insurance or fund raise for the money.
7 :
there is no cure for cancer. all they can do is hope to shut it down long enough that the body can kill it. i have leukemia and hodgkins lymphoma, i just developed hodgkins, but ive had leukemia since i was 9. and im 15. if there was a cure for cancer, the rich that do die from cancer wouldnt have died. now would they?
8 :
No. I'm not aware that the rich survive cancer at a higher rate - the treatments available to them are the same, though they might have comfier hospital beds and private rooms. I assume you're suggesting that a cure is being hidden in order to to keep profits up? This is unfeasible for a number of reasons. In order to prove that any secret, hidden cure worked, several hundred people (minimum) would have to have been cured by it (otherwise how would its discoverers know it worked?). Every single one of these people would have to be keeping quiet about it– not a word to the media from any of them, or any of their delighted relatives and friends. Any drug company discovering a cure would make far more money than they can have dreamed of making up till now – fame and fortune beyond their wildest dreams.. Doctors, scientists, researchers etc would be watching their relatives die and dying themselves (they and their families develop cancer at the same rate as the rest of the population) rather than revealing any existing secret cure Most unlikely of all, if there were a secret cure, every medical professional in the whole world would have agreed to keep existence of a cure secret. Every single one. One blabbermouth, one disgruntled researcher or sacked nurse and the whole conspiracy’s blown. Newspapers and other media wouldn't have got a sniff of it. Likely? -and is it likely that these people, who went into medicine to help people, would be conspiring to kill them? If they wanted to make a fortune, medicine was a very poor choice of career. I live in the UK; we don't pay for our medical treatment, including our cancer treatment; cancer costs our government billions upon billions. The cancer treatments here are the same as they are in the US; if there was a guaranteed once-and-for-all cure, wouldn't they be giving us that instead and saving themselves money? As it is, people like me could have recurrences and be back for more expensive chemotherapy at any time. The problem with finding a cure is that cancer is not a single disease, it's an umbrella term for over 200 different diseases. The difficulty with finding a cure is that different cancers are caused by different things, so no one strategy can prevent them They all respond to different treatments so no one treatment can cure them, so there isn't a magic bullet that cures all cancers and there never will be. Nobody will ever 'discover' a miraculous single substance or procedure that will cure all cancers. But progress is being made and there is dedicated - and underfunded - work going on to find effective treatments and - hopefully - cures. And quite a few cancers CAN already be cured: seven out of ten children are cured of cancer; testicular cancer, Hodgkin's disease, and many cases of leukaemia can all be cured in adults with chemotherapy, most skin cancers are cured with surgery and many cases of thyroid cancer and cancer of the larynx are cured with radiotherapy. Many other types of cancer are also cured if they are found early enough - 75% of breast cancers found at stage one for example *Oh, and for the person who said there's a breast cancer cure in Europe - I bloody wish!! See how completely unfounded rumours about cancer cures spread?
9 :
I am not sure about that but I know Beta Glucan is a good supplement that you can take to fight cancer and boost your immune system.
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