What type of breast cancer treatment is best after surgery?
My grandmother is 80 years of age and was diagnosed with breast cancer about a month ago. she had surgery in which they removed the cancer from her breast. she is trying to decide whether the treatment of radiation by means of having an implant in her breast that releases radiation, or not even receiving the treatment of radiation at all. any ideas? (her health condition is as fallows- had a stroke 2 months ago, still working on walking w/o a walker, and she has trouble standing for certain periods of time. she has recovered well from the stroke, but is still in a bad condition.
Cancer - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
she needs to talk to her DR'S...not strangers on YA who don't know her and her medical history... don't put family members info on the web..it's not your business to be doing that.
2 :
This is a highly personal decision that can only be made by the individual after being told the full risks and likely prognoses of each option by their treating oncologist. Having been through surgery, chemo and radiation for breast cancer, I doubt that I would consider more than the surgery alone at her age, but that is just my personal viewpoint, not a recommendation.
3 :
One shot of radiotherapy could save breast cancer patients weeks of tiring treatment http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1284647/One-shot-radiotherapy-save-breast-cancer-patients-weeks-tiring-treatment.html?ito=feeds-newsxml
4 :
It depends on a lot of things, sometimes chemo and radiation are recommended, other times only surgery is needed. It depends on the type of breast cancer, the stage and the age of the patient and prior medical history. There is an excellent book called Dr. Love's Breast Book that goes into a lot of detail on breast health and current treatment options. It probably will give you more info than you will ever need to know but you can just read the chapters on your grandmother's condition to get a better idea of current treatment options.
5 :
External Radiation is best. There are hardly any side effects if a bit of redness to the breast after about 4 weeks of treatment. Some also may get tired from time to time. It is a 6 week course of treatment and it goes by very fast. I had inquired about internal radiation as well, and she said that I was too young for it. I am not sure what the cut-off age is as far as being too old for it. Internal radation is more of a nuisance than anything. Also you need to do that type of radiation Twice a Day, instead of once a day like traditional radiation. It really isn't worth it. Tell her to ask her doctor about External Radiation treatments. All she has to do is lie on a table for a total of 2 minutes. Piece of cake.
6 :
Radiation was the toughest of treatments for my wife and she at the time of treatment was 52 years old. Radiation kills the tumor at the site where cancer was discovered, it is sort of insurance that it will destroy whatever cells would be left at the site. Chemotherapy destroys the cells that might have escaped to other parts of the body, surgery removes the tumor itself and radiation is applied to the site to destroy remaining cells. Treatment is usually over a specific amount of time that is on a daily basis, and it was very painful for us. Not everyone responds to radiation the same way. I have heard from others that it was a walk in the park. For us it was hell. It could be physically too much for her, the only person to know for sure is her radiation oncologist and regular doctor. A friend of mine had breast cancer at 65 years old and did not have it again for ten years. At 75 years old she decided to not have treatment because she did not want to suffer through it all again. Each person needs to evaluate if the costs are worth the price of the goods received. I know what radiation did to my wife but she is considerably younger than your grandma. The treatment for her could be the straw that breaks her back. The doctor's need to give an evaluation to decide if it is something she can handle.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
What company has new cancer treatment using robots to control radiation damange to good cells
What company has new cancer treatment using robots to control radiation damange to good cells?
This is a recent nasdaq ipo and their product improves the abkility to treat tumors with blasts of radiation reducing damamge to surrounding tissue even if the patient or tumor moves during the treatment. Will replace surgery with a scalpel for cancer.
Cancer - 1 Answers
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1 :
Sounds like CyberKnife, though there may be others. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2006/07/060725092306.htm http://www.dukemednews.org/news/article.php?id=9939 http://www.naplesnews.com/news/2006/aug/16/one_woman_one_robot/?neapolitan
This is a recent nasdaq ipo and their product improves the abkility to treat tumors with blasts of radiation reducing damamge to surrounding tissue even if the patient or tumor moves during the treatment. Will replace surgery with a scalpel for cancer.
Cancer - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Sounds like CyberKnife, though there may be others. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2006/07/060725092306.htm http://www.dukemednews.org/news/article.php?id=9939 http://www.naplesnews.com/news/2006/aug/16/one_woman_one_robot/?neapolitan
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Cancer treatment
Cancer treatment?
My mom was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer last april. She's gone through chemo and radiation but now is on all sorts of drugs. One drug, "Chantix" is to help her quit smoking and the others are to keep the cancer from coming back. She's taking Armidex to keep the cancer from coming back and Clonidine to help with the side effects from the Armidex. The drug label says that if she misses more than two doses it can lead to heart attack or stroke!!! She says she'd rather smoke marijuana like in the old days because all this stuff is so scary. I appreciate any advice and information. Thanks!!! I'm asking for ADVICE. She doesn't want to take all these scary drugs... are there any alternatives?
Cancer - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
2 :
Whats the question?
3 :
You might find some advice and information from these links...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chantix or http://www.chantix.com/content/Chantix_Branded_Homepage.jsp?setShowOn=../content/Chantix_Branded_Homepage.jsp&setShowHighlightOn=../content/Chantix_Branded_Homepage.jsp
4 :
Ask her own doctor, they sometimes have clinical trials in cancer clinics that also are free, so meds are free and she is actually monitored closer, as she is a study. My Mom had breast cancer 6 yrs ago and was in a clinical trial for her treatment and meds and is still cancer free. Best wishes!
5 :
The FDA is approving a drug this year that is for breast cancer it was proven to keep cancer at bay 8 months longer than any other treatment even Chemotherapy. Look into the drug called . Tykerb
6 :
My Mother died from liver cancer, this was long before all of these drugs were available. The reason people smoke pot is to help ease the nausea from chemotherapy. She should stay on the meds her Dr prescribed. I don't know how pot will get her through the side effects from the meds, if at all, but she should stay on them!!!
7 :
There are some alternatives that can help alleviate some of the pain that she is going through. However, I am not sure if they can actually "cure" her of her symptoms. Most natural treatments are not instant "cures" but work over time. I found this reference section on breast cancer for you http://www.healthandwellnesscentral.com/Category/Breast-Cancer/80
8 :
Yes its a natural product that kills cancer cells and is called graviola, it comes from the amazon rain forest and so far results show that its effective on 12 different types of cancer. One of the major studies was done by Purdue university and commissioned by the National Cancer Institue. Another study was done on mice that had cancer and it was found to have an impact on 62% of the cancer cells in just a short span of two weeks. Anyway you can check it out on the email address below.
9 :
The Clonidine is a simple Alpha agonist blood pressure pill. It is fairly safe but you want to wean off of it ... not stop it abruptly or the blood vessels can over-react and constrict more than normal causing the blood pressure to abruptly rise. Just take it as prescribed. We even use this drug on A.D.D. and A.D.H.D. children. MISSED DOSE: If you miss a dose, take as soon as remembered; do not take if it is almost time for the next dose, instead, skip the missed dose and resume your usual dosing schedule. Do not double-up" the dose to catch up. The ARIMIDEX 1MG blocks the estrogen receptors on malignant tumors. This shuts down the excitement switch for the tumor to grow. As long as your mom is not experiencing excessive diarrhea or vaginal bleeding it does seem to work rather well to prevent the spread of the cancer to other organs. Another option would be Novaldex (Tamoxifen) which also reduces the risk of additonal maligancies from spreading. It is extracted from a specific species of pine tree that grows in the Northwestern USA and Canada. But if I were going to put all of what you have disclosed in order of severity... by far, the worse drug your mother is on are the cigarettes! It is up to her... she can go without the Arimidex or Novaldex but if she does, her 5 year survival rate goes way down due to spread to the bones, brain, and liver. So for at least for the next 3 to 5 years... she should be on something unless she is willing to just give up. I hope she chooses wisely. Most of my patients are 10 + years survival while on the meds. Marijuana works like alcohol in high enough doses to distract the mind from what is going on....but like alcohol... it merely allows the person to put their head in the sand.It treats nothing but awarenes of a problem. It is a solution to nothing but avoidance of the reality. I would also suggest that if all of this is scary to her that she joins a breast cancer support group and get real information rather than to be scared off of taking some meds that can give her years of good life. What she needs to do now is not written in stone. They are required now... not for the rest of her life. Tell her to breathe and let the meds do their job, get some support from friends who share similar problems. This is a survivable form of cancer... Lung cancer and some others, my advice to you would be radically different. Hope that helps.
10 :
Try Vitamin C therapy. A few years ago a cancer researcher came out with a paper saying that the best cancer and infection fighter as yet found was Interferon, but, at the time, it cost $15,000 a gram. The good part was that Interferon was a product of the natural breakdown of Vitamin C in your system. Shortly after that paper came out the FDA tried to make Vit C by prescription only. Guess why? The FDA says that the RDA for Vit C is 64 mg a day, just enough to prevent scurvy. Linus Pauling, who got a Nobel Prize for his work with Vit C and a second Nobel Prize for organic chemistry, said 1000 mg a day as a minimum and 2000 mg a day if you are sick. On a personal note, I was sick twice a year, for 2 weeks at a time, for 20 years, and was flat on my back for at least a week each time. To this day the doctors have no idea what the problem was. After I gave up on the doctors I tried Vit C. I took enough to keep from being sick and just below too much to get diarrhea. It followed a bell curve over 2 weeks with a peak at 40,000 mg a day – about 300,000 over the 2 weeks. I was not sick for those 2 weeks and after a couple of years of that I have not been sick since. I did not dissolve my kidneys, as some doctors said would happen. I did not get any calcium build up or stones and did not dissolve my cones or solidify my joints. Try it, but drink a lot of water – Vit C is a natural diuretic.
My mom was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer last april. She's gone through chemo and radiation but now is on all sorts of drugs. One drug, "Chantix" is to help her quit smoking and the others are to keep the cancer from coming back. She's taking Armidex to keep the cancer from coming back and Clonidine to help with the side effects from the Armidex. The drug label says that if she misses more than two doses it can lead to heart attack or stroke!!! She says she'd rather smoke marijuana like in the old days because all this stuff is so scary. I appreciate any advice and information. Thanks!!! I'm asking for ADVICE. She doesn't want to take all these scary drugs... are there any alternatives?
Cancer - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
2 :
Whats the question?
3 :
You might find some advice and information from these links...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chantix or http://www.chantix.com/content/Chantix_Branded_Homepage.jsp?setShowOn=../content/Chantix_Branded_Homepage.jsp&setShowHighlightOn=../content/Chantix_Branded_Homepage.jsp
4 :
Ask her own doctor, they sometimes have clinical trials in cancer clinics that also are free, so meds are free and she is actually monitored closer, as she is a study. My Mom had breast cancer 6 yrs ago and was in a clinical trial for her treatment and meds and is still cancer free. Best wishes!
5 :
The FDA is approving a drug this year that is for breast cancer it was proven to keep cancer at bay 8 months longer than any other treatment even Chemotherapy. Look into the drug called . Tykerb
6 :
My Mother died from liver cancer, this was long before all of these drugs were available. The reason people smoke pot is to help ease the nausea from chemotherapy. She should stay on the meds her Dr prescribed. I don't know how pot will get her through the side effects from the meds, if at all, but she should stay on them!!!
7 :
There are some alternatives that can help alleviate some of the pain that she is going through. However, I am not sure if they can actually "cure" her of her symptoms. Most natural treatments are not instant "cures" but work over time. I found this reference section on breast cancer for you http://www.healthandwellnesscentral.com/Category/Breast-Cancer/80
8 :
Yes its a natural product that kills cancer cells and is called graviola, it comes from the amazon rain forest and so far results show that its effective on 12 different types of cancer. One of the major studies was done by Purdue university and commissioned by the National Cancer Institue. Another study was done on mice that had cancer and it was found to have an impact on 62% of the cancer cells in just a short span of two weeks. Anyway you can check it out on the email address below.
9 :
The Clonidine is a simple Alpha agonist blood pressure pill. It is fairly safe but you want to wean off of it ... not stop it abruptly or the blood vessels can over-react and constrict more than normal causing the blood pressure to abruptly rise. Just take it as prescribed. We even use this drug on A.D.D. and A.D.H.D. children. MISSED DOSE: If you miss a dose, take as soon as remembered; do not take if it is almost time for the next dose, instead, skip the missed dose and resume your usual dosing schedule. Do not double-up" the dose to catch up. The ARIMIDEX 1MG blocks the estrogen receptors on malignant tumors. This shuts down the excitement switch for the tumor to grow. As long as your mom is not experiencing excessive diarrhea or vaginal bleeding it does seem to work rather well to prevent the spread of the cancer to other organs. Another option would be Novaldex (Tamoxifen) which also reduces the risk of additonal maligancies from spreading. It is extracted from a specific species of pine tree that grows in the Northwestern USA and Canada. But if I were going to put all of what you have disclosed in order of severity... by far, the worse drug your mother is on are the cigarettes! It is up to her... she can go without the Arimidex or Novaldex but if she does, her 5 year survival rate goes way down due to spread to the bones, brain, and liver. So for at least for the next 3 to 5 years... she should be on something unless she is willing to just give up. I hope she chooses wisely. Most of my patients are 10 + years survival while on the meds. Marijuana works like alcohol in high enough doses to distract the mind from what is going on....but like alcohol... it merely allows the person to put their head in the sand.It treats nothing but awarenes of a problem. It is a solution to nothing but avoidance of the reality. I would also suggest that if all of this is scary to her that she joins a breast cancer support group and get real information rather than to be scared off of taking some meds that can give her years of good life. What she needs to do now is not written in stone. They are required now... not for the rest of her life. Tell her to breathe and let the meds do their job, get some support from friends who share similar problems. This is a survivable form of cancer... Lung cancer and some others, my advice to you would be radically different. Hope that helps.
10 :
Try Vitamin C therapy. A few years ago a cancer researcher came out with a paper saying that the best cancer and infection fighter as yet found was Interferon, but, at the time, it cost $15,000 a gram. The good part was that Interferon was a product of the natural breakdown of Vitamin C in your system. Shortly after that paper came out the FDA tried to make Vit C by prescription only. Guess why? The FDA says that the RDA for Vit C is 64 mg a day, just enough to prevent scurvy. Linus Pauling, who got a Nobel Prize for his work with Vit C and a second Nobel Prize for organic chemistry, said 1000 mg a day as a minimum and 2000 mg a day if you are sick. On a personal note, I was sick twice a year, for 2 weeks at a time, for 20 years, and was flat on my back for at least a week each time. To this day the doctors have no idea what the problem was. After I gave up on the doctors I tried Vit C. I took enough to keep from being sick and just below too much to get diarrhea. It followed a bell curve over 2 weeks with a peak at 40,000 mg a day – about 300,000 over the 2 weeks. I was not sick for those 2 weeks and after a couple of years of that I have not been sick since. I did not dissolve my kidneys, as some doctors said would happen. I did not get any calcium build up or stones and did not dissolve my cones or solidify my joints. Try it, but drink a lot of water – Vit C is a natural diuretic.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
What are some alternatives to Cancer Treatment Centers of America
What are some alternatives to Cancer Treatment Centers of America?
My co-worker's brother has cancer, and Cancer Treatment Centers of America is not accepted by his insurance. What other options are available? My Co-worker's brother has cancer, and his insurance does not accept Cancer Treatment Centers of America. He lives in Virginia, but somewhere in North Carolina should be ok also. Thank you so much.
Cancer - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Well, there is the "usual" treatment and whatevers offered by the common physicians, but I have reason to believe CTCA gives the most hope and best care in almost every instance. Contact them and ask about alternative funding. Nothing to lose by calling.
2 :
First off, there are no secret cancer treatments that are only available at CTCA so when looking for a cancer treatment facility you want the best hospital for your particular cancer that happens to be located near your home. Traveling long distances repeatedly when you are not feeling good gets old (and very expensive in out of pocket cash) real fast so you need to figure into the equation what degree of difficulty you will have making repeated trips to whatever facility you end up choosing. Cancer Treatment Centers of America are private for profit hospitals that make certain you have the money to pay for their services. While they have modern facilities they are by no means able to offer all the cutting edge treatments available when compared to some of the other hospitals available for treating cancer like for instance MD Anderson in Houston. CTCA's big advantage is their willingness to spend tons of money on advertising and not because the treatments available there are different than the treatments available at many other top rate cancer facilities. The NCI has chosen about 35 cancer centers that they designate as comprehensive cancer centers meaning they are able to deal with complex cases of almost every type cancer. This also means that clinical trials are widely available - something that CTCA does not offer. Here is a link to find the nearest NCI designated comprehensive cancer center located nearest to you. http://cancercenters.cancer.gov/cancer_centers/cancer-centers-list.html BTW- Do not get the self named "comprehensive cancer centers" mixed up with the NCI designated facilities. While they may still be very good hospitals, for whatever reason, the NCI has not yet designated them as an NCI facility. If I was looking for a hospital in North Carolina I would probably choose Duke Medical Center - the facility that performed Sen. Kennedy's brain surgery. Like MD Anderson in Houston, people travel from all over the world to be seen at Duke Medical Center because of the many cancer experts working there, the clinical trials available plus the high level of patient care. http://www.dukehealth.org/ good luck
3 :
Anywhere would be an alternative. This is a private for profit organization that has been in trouble with the FTC for false and unsubstantiated claims. I am not aware of any other hospital that has had this problem. I work for various hospitals throughout Los Angeles County and we have several well-known hospitals here where people come from all over the world for treatment and there are many less known community hospitals that give care that is just as good and in some cases better than these well known hospitals. The best advice I can give to your co-workers brother is to be an informed consumer. He and a trusted friend or family member should learn as much about his disease as possible so that he can ask good questions and make informed decisions. Get opinions from 2 or 3 oncologists that do not practice together. Someone should go with him to all appointments where test results or treatment options are discussed. Keep a running list of any questions he thinks of and take the list with him to his doctors appointments. Unless he has an unusual cancer he should get very good treatment at a hospital his insurance is contracted with. He may also want to check with the American College of Surgeons for hospitals in his area with approved cancer programs. They are responsible for accrediting hospital cancer programs in the United States.
4 :
they say there's "no cure" for anything so that you'll have to rely on their drugs/treatment the rest of your life,thus making profits. there are natural cures, but if they were to be known the FDA would be out of business!
5 :
I take every chance I can to brag on both Wake Forrest Univ Medical Center and Duke Univ Medical Center. I am treated by both hospitals, and they are awesome. The Triad and Triangle areas (Winston Salem and Durham) is a huge area with anything you could possibly want. And I have been treated with great respect and have full trust in all of my doctors. And they are both NCI designated comprehensive.
6 :
Is your CEB (co-worker's brother) open to alternative cancer treatments? Some people think it makes more sense to try the safer non-toxic treatments before the toxic conventional treatments. If that is the case, he will find that alternative cancer treatments are inexpensive. I know that most doctors will yell that he will be throwing away valuable time during which the tumors will grow, time he could have used to take the "proven effective" conventional treatments. That is a bunch of crap. Read about this study: A small study in 1959 run by Jane C Wright, directing cancer research at Bellevue Memorial Medical Center in New York City, ran a study based on the light ideas of John Ott DSc. Advised by Ott, Dr Wright instructed fifteen cancer patients to stay outdoors as much as possible that summer in natural sunlight without wearing their glasses, and particularly without sunglasses. By that Autumn, the tumors in 14 of 15 had not grown, and some patients had got better. Ott wondered why the fifteenth had not benefited. He discovered that this woman had not fully understood the instructions - while she had not worn sunglasses, she had continued to wear her prescription glasses. This blocking of UV into her eyes was enough to stop the benefits enjoyed by the other fourteen. The reason this study does not receive much attention is that stopping tumor growth is not considered a measure of the quality of a cancer treatment. Only tumor shrinkage or cancer cell death is considered a measure of the effectiveness of a cancer treatment. Since conventional cancer treatments such as chemo are believed to accomplish these effects, sunlight research cannot obtain funding. In actuality, chemo has been shown to "shrink" tumors by breaking us the tumor cells which then travel to other sites in the body to start more tumors. Reported at the 27th Annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, Dec 2004, (abstract 6014), by German investigators from Friedrich-Schiller University in Jena. So if you CWF wants to buy some time how hard can it be? Just get outside and take off those sunglasses, UV radiation is not going to damage your eyes unless you are in an intense sunlight situation such as in a snow field or on water. I live in Arizona and spend a lot of time outdoors without sun glasses. I am 58 and an avid reader. I don’t need glasses unless the print is tiny and the light poor. UV radiation damage my ass. Sure when I was a lifeguard on the east coast, I wore two pairs of sunglasses like the rest of the guys, but in normal situations, a hat with a brim is the way to go. Cancer cells burn glucose using fermentation to get its energy. Most normal cells use oxygenation to get their energy. This tremendous difference is a perfect vehicle from which to develop an effective cancer treatment. Alternative cancer treatments Cantron, Graviola, Paw Paw ($30 per month) and Protocel all target this difference BUT chemo targets fast growing cells. The ignorance of this is tragic beyond measure. When you kill fast growing cells you destroy the immune system. Then, I person can die of a cold. It happened to my sister and I have been on the war path ever since. If you want to learn most about the above, treatments that target cancer cells and not your immune system, visit my web site alternativecancer.us On my web site all the information is free and easy to find. It is so easy to find that although my web site is the number one alternative cancer wed site according to Google, I get very few email questions. No I don’t require you to fill out a form, just click on a link and your email application opens with my address already in place. I do not sell these treatments nor do I profit in any way from their sale, but I believe that my system smiles every time someone finds the information they need on alternativecancer.us
My co-worker's brother has cancer, and Cancer Treatment Centers of America is not accepted by his insurance. What other options are available? My Co-worker's brother has cancer, and his insurance does not accept Cancer Treatment Centers of America. He lives in Virginia, but somewhere in North Carolina should be ok also. Thank you so much.
Cancer - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Well, there is the "usual" treatment and whatevers offered by the common physicians, but I have reason to believe CTCA gives the most hope and best care in almost every instance. Contact them and ask about alternative funding. Nothing to lose by calling.
2 :
First off, there are no secret cancer treatments that are only available at CTCA so when looking for a cancer treatment facility you want the best hospital for your particular cancer that happens to be located near your home. Traveling long distances repeatedly when you are not feeling good gets old (and very expensive in out of pocket cash) real fast so you need to figure into the equation what degree of difficulty you will have making repeated trips to whatever facility you end up choosing. Cancer Treatment Centers of America are private for profit hospitals that make certain you have the money to pay for their services. While they have modern facilities they are by no means able to offer all the cutting edge treatments available when compared to some of the other hospitals available for treating cancer like for instance MD Anderson in Houston. CTCA's big advantage is their willingness to spend tons of money on advertising and not because the treatments available there are different than the treatments available at many other top rate cancer facilities. The NCI has chosen about 35 cancer centers that they designate as comprehensive cancer centers meaning they are able to deal with complex cases of almost every type cancer. This also means that clinical trials are widely available - something that CTCA does not offer. Here is a link to find the nearest NCI designated comprehensive cancer center located nearest to you. http://cancercenters.cancer.gov/cancer_centers/cancer-centers-list.html BTW- Do not get the self named "comprehensive cancer centers" mixed up with the NCI designated facilities. While they may still be very good hospitals, for whatever reason, the NCI has not yet designated them as an NCI facility. If I was looking for a hospital in North Carolina I would probably choose Duke Medical Center - the facility that performed Sen. Kennedy's brain surgery. Like MD Anderson in Houston, people travel from all over the world to be seen at Duke Medical Center because of the many cancer experts working there, the clinical trials available plus the high level of patient care. http://www.dukehealth.org/ good luck
3 :
Anywhere would be an alternative. This is a private for profit organization that has been in trouble with the FTC for false and unsubstantiated claims. I am not aware of any other hospital that has had this problem. I work for various hospitals throughout Los Angeles County and we have several well-known hospitals here where people come from all over the world for treatment and there are many less known community hospitals that give care that is just as good and in some cases better than these well known hospitals. The best advice I can give to your co-workers brother is to be an informed consumer. He and a trusted friend or family member should learn as much about his disease as possible so that he can ask good questions and make informed decisions. Get opinions from 2 or 3 oncologists that do not practice together. Someone should go with him to all appointments where test results or treatment options are discussed. Keep a running list of any questions he thinks of and take the list with him to his doctors appointments. Unless he has an unusual cancer he should get very good treatment at a hospital his insurance is contracted with. He may also want to check with the American College of Surgeons for hospitals in his area with approved cancer programs. They are responsible for accrediting hospital cancer programs in the United States.
4 :
they say there's "no cure" for anything so that you'll have to rely on their drugs/treatment the rest of your life,thus making profits. there are natural cures, but if they were to be known the FDA would be out of business!
5 :
I take every chance I can to brag on both Wake Forrest Univ Medical Center and Duke Univ Medical Center. I am treated by both hospitals, and they are awesome. The Triad and Triangle areas (Winston Salem and Durham) is a huge area with anything you could possibly want. And I have been treated with great respect and have full trust in all of my doctors. And they are both NCI designated comprehensive.
6 :
Is your CEB (co-worker's brother) open to alternative cancer treatments? Some people think it makes more sense to try the safer non-toxic treatments before the toxic conventional treatments. If that is the case, he will find that alternative cancer treatments are inexpensive. I know that most doctors will yell that he will be throwing away valuable time during which the tumors will grow, time he could have used to take the "proven effective" conventional treatments. That is a bunch of crap. Read about this study: A small study in 1959 run by Jane C Wright, directing cancer research at Bellevue Memorial Medical Center in New York City, ran a study based on the light ideas of John Ott DSc. Advised by Ott, Dr Wright instructed fifteen cancer patients to stay outdoors as much as possible that summer in natural sunlight without wearing their glasses, and particularly without sunglasses. By that Autumn, the tumors in 14 of 15 had not grown, and some patients had got better. Ott wondered why the fifteenth had not benefited. He discovered that this woman had not fully understood the instructions - while she had not worn sunglasses, she had continued to wear her prescription glasses. This blocking of UV into her eyes was enough to stop the benefits enjoyed by the other fourteen. The reason this study does not receive much attention is that stopping tumor growth is not considered a measure of the quality of a cancer treatment. Only tumor shrinkage or cancer cell death is considered a measure of the effectiveness of a cancer treatment. Since conventional cancer treatments such as chemo are believed to accomplish these effects, sunlight research cannot obtain funding. In actuality, chemo has been shown to "shrink" tumors by breaking us the tumor cells which then travel to other sites in the body to start more tumors. Reported at the 27th Annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, Dec 2004, (abstract 6014), by German investigators from Friedrich-Schiller University in Jena. So if you CWF wants to buy some time how hard can it be? Just get outside and take off those sunglasses, UV radiation is not going to damage your eyes unless you are in an intense sunlight situation such as in a snow field or on water. I live in Arizona and spend a lot of time outdoors without sun glasses. I am 58 and an avid reader. I don’t need glasses unless the print is tiny and the light poor. UV radiation damage my ass. Sure when I was a lifeguard on the east coast, I wore two pairs of sunglasses like the rest of the guys, but in normal situations, a hat with a brim is the way to go. Cancer cells burn glucose using fermentation to get its energy. Most normal cells use oxygenation to get their energy. This tremendous difference is a perfect vehicle from which to develop an effective cancer treatment. Alternative cancer treatments Cantron, Graviola, Paw Paw ($30 per month) and Protocel all target this difference BUT chemo targets fast growing cells. The ignorance of this is tragic beyond measure. When you kill fast growing cells you destroy the immune system. Then, I person can die of a cold. It happened to my sister and I have been on the war path ever since. If you want to learn most about the above, treatments that target cancer cells and not your immune system, visit my web site alternativecancer.us On my web site all the information is free and easy to find. It is so easy to find that although my web site is the number one alternative cancer wed site according to Google, I get very few email questions. No I don’t require you to fill out a form, just click on a link and your email application opens with my address already in place. I do not sell these treatments nor do I profit in any way from their sale, but I believe that my system smiles every time someone finds the information they need on alternativecancer.us
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Why the same cancer treatment doesnt work for everyone
Why the same cancer treatment doesnt work for everyone?
I need help explaining this. Heres the question: In one person cancer may be cured through the use of a certain drug or by means of radiation treatment, whereas in another person cancer may be unaffected by these treatment methods. Suggest the most likely explanation for this difference in response.
Cancer - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
There are many types of cancer cells at many different levels so even if two people have lung cancer they may have very different types and very different protocols for treatment.
2 :
the EXTENT and specific KIND of Cancer everyone has different health practices and different anti bodies
3 :
Recent studies have shown a LOT of linkage between DNA and cancer. Not that the DNA causes the cancer, but people with certain DNA "markers" will respond to treatment, but those with different DNA markers will not. There is currently a lot of investigation going on in this area. Right now the only result is that SOMETIMES certain tests can predict IF a drug will work or not. in the future, it might be possible to "tune" a drug to work differently in different patients, or to come up with new "targeted" drugs that are more effective in patients with these certain genetic markers. But the fact remains -- cancer is a VERY personal disease, and it affects each person differently.
4 :
there are lots of different types of cancers out there. every cancer is different in that it affects different locations in the body, it is caused by different cells being faulty and it spreads and progresses by different mechanisms. Its not as simple as finding one solution for cancer and using the same one on everybody. I only wish it was - then life would be so much simpler for all of us. Different peoples bodies who have the same type of cancer often respond to the same type of treatment differently.it may work for one person and may not for the other person. there's just too many factors and variations in cancers for it to be that simple
5 :
Because everyone is an individual . . no two people are alike and since cancer is the persons own DNA that for an unknown reason has stopped being normal . . than that means the cancer is unique to that individual as well. Which is one reason it is so difficult to treat. In recent months oncologists have begun to tailor the treatment to the individual in hopes of interrupting the cancer and bringing it under control. Thus even though cancer treatments can be similar . . they work best when the patient is treated according to his own unique body and circumstances.
6 :
There are different types of cancer. Each one responds differently.
7 :
We are all different, hence the different cancer treatments. However, we all have side effects from cancer drugs, although again these vary with different patients. Hence doctors are often unsympathetic when dealing with side effects, as they know the time they spend sorting out yours, won't be any use for the next patient's side effects. So, as a patient, I decided to set up www.after-cancer.com, to tell others of some of the nice medically-approved products and treatments that could help. And found that there are thousands of us with problem side effects, and we can all help each other to get over them. Verite R
8 :
Cancer is a group of many diseases. Learn more here: http://the-cancer-disease.com/
I need help explaining this. Heres the question: In one person cancer may be cured through the use of a certain drug or by means of radiation treatment, whereas in another person cancer may be unaffected by these treatment methods. Suggest the most likely explanation for this difference in response.
Cancer - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
There are many types of cancer cells at many different levels so even if two people have lung cancer they may have very different types and very different protocols for treatment.
2 :
the EXTENT and specific KIND of Cancer everyone has different health practices and different anti bodies
3 :
Recent studies have shown a LOT of linkage between DNA and cancer. Not that the DNA causes the cancer, but people with certain DNA "markers" will respond to treatment, but those with different DNA markers will not. There is currently a lot of investigation going on in this area. Right now the only result is that SOMETIMES certain tests can predict IF a drug will work or not. in the future, it might be possible to "tune" a drug to work differently in different patients, or to come up with new "targeted" drugs that are more effective in patients with these certain genetic markers. But the fact remains -- cancer is a VERY personal disease, and it affects each person differently.
4 :
there are lots of different types of cancers out there. every cancer is different in that it affects different locations in the body, it is caused by different cells being faulty and it spreads and progresses by different mechanisms. Its not as simple as finding one solution for cancer and using the same one on everybody. I only wish it was - then life would be so much simpler for all of us. Different peoples bodies who have the same type of cancer often respond to the same type of treatment differently.it may work for one person and may not for the other person. there's just too many factors and variations in cancers for it to be that simple
5 :
Because everyone is an individual . . no two people are alike and since cancer is the persons own DNA that for an unknown reason has stopped being normal . . than that means the cancer is unique to that individual as well. Which is one reason it is so difficult to treat. In recent months oncologists have begun to tailor the treatment to the individual in hopes of interrupting the cancer and bringing it under control. Thus even though cancer treatments can be similar . . they work best when the patient is treated according to his own unique body and circumstances.
6 :
There are different types of cancer. Each one responds differently.
7 :
We are all different, hence the different cancer treatments. However, we all have side effects from cancer drugs, although again these vary with different patients. Hence doctors are often unsympathetic when dealing with side effects, as they know the time they spend sorting out yours, won't be any use for the next patient's side effects. So, as a patient, I decided to set up www.after-cancer.com, to tell others of some of the nice medically-approved products and treatments that could help. And found that there are thousands of us with problem side effects, and we can all help each other to get over them. Verite R
8 :
Cancer is a group of many diseases. Learn more here: http://the-cancer-disease.com/
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
What are the available Cytotron cancer treatment centers in India? Could someone give the complete addresses
What are the available Cytotron cancer treatment centers in India? Could someone give the complete addresses?
What are the available Cytotron cancer treatment centers in India? Could someone give the complete addresses? I heard of Ludhiana and Bangalore using cytotron to treat cancer. I have the Ludhiana center address but need the address of the Cytotron cancer treatment center in Bangalore. Thanks.
Cancer - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Research & Development Centre: Scalene Cybernetics, S-CARD Campus, Seegehalli Main Road, Virgonagar, Bangalore 560049 Tel: 91 80 2561 4879 Bangalore Treatment Centres: 1. Ojus Niramaya Clinic, SRIT House, #113/1B, ITPL Main Road, Kundalahalli, Bangalore 560 037 Tel: 91 80 4160 4765, 91 80 4207 9708 Mob: +91 974 111 8867 (Dr GS Nayar) 2. Care Plus, 5/1, Rudrakshini, Hayavadana Road, Gavipuram Ext, Bangalore 560 019 Tel: 91 80 2662 0069/70 Mob: +91 984 504 0984 ( Dr KP Loknath Kumar) Ludhiana Treatment Centre: Sibia Medical Centre, B/XIX-568 A, Civil Lines, Ludhiana - 141001 Tel: 91 161 244 4818 Mob: + 91 98140 34818 (Dr SS Sibia)
2 :
For any queries on Cytotron please visit www.cytotrontreatment.com. You will find the answers to all your queries or can ask your questions about Cytotron there.
What are the available Cytotron cancer treatment centers in India? Could someone give the complete addresses? I heard of Ludhiana and Bangalore using cytotron to treat cancer. I have the Ludhiana center address but need the address of the Cytotron cancer treatment center in Bangalore. Thanks.
Cancer - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Research & Development Centre: Scalene Cybernetics, S-CARD Campus, Seegehalli Main Road, Virgonagar, Bangalore 560049 Tel: 91 80 2561 4879 Bangalore Treatment Centres: 1. Ojus Niramaya Clinic, SRIT House, #113/1B, ITPL Main Road, Kundalahalli, Bangalore 560 037 Tel: 91 80 4160 4765, 91 80 4207 9708 Mob: +91 974 111 8867 (Dr GS Nayar) 2. Care Plus, 5/1, Rudrakshini, Hayavadana Road, Gavipuram Ext, Bangalore 560 019 Tel: 91 80 2662 0069/70 Mob: +91 984 504 0984 ( Dr KP Loknath Kumar) Ludhiana Treatment Centre: Sibia Medical Centre, B/XIX-568 A, Civil Lines, Ludhiana - 141001 Tel: 91 161 244 4818 Mob: + 91 98140 34818 (Dr SS Sibia)
2 :
For any queries on Cytotron please visit www.cytotrontreatment.com. You will find the answers to all your queries or can ask your questions about Cytotron there.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Cancer Treatment
Cancer Treatment?
I have been in cancer treatment for the last 3 years, so I read a lot of stuff pertaining to cancer. THere are so many claims out there for alt or natural meds or herbal remedies. I am very well aware some of these things help with treatment. I have used a couple to help, treating the side effects of therapy, mainly on a mind control, psychological basis. However, I want to know: The people who tout some alt med as a CURE, do you feel strongly enough about what you are advertising that you would use the exact same protocol, and that protocol only (meaning no chemo surgery or radiation, as most alt treatments advertise). Anyone currently under going an alt treatment only to treat cancer? I would just like to know how many people truely have that much faith in the methods they are suggesting or selling. Weed doesnt treat the cancer, side effects only. I have used both real mj, and the synthetic thc rx marinol, both helped with the side effects. I have actually finished treatment, and there werent many alt treatments for mine, not even ones that didnt make sense. I am not looking for me, just trying to get some knowledge. I know all sorts of alt treatments help with side effects, provide nourishment and all that. What I want to know, is if anyone that touts these supposed cure treatments have actually used what they advertise alone for treatment (without using chemo, surgery, or radiation). I am challenging those who would like to make a lot of money selling these alt treatments are willing to put their mouth where there money is. For example, is there anyone out there who has actually used, say juicing, ALONE, WITHOUT CHEMO SURGERY OR RADIATION, to TREAT their cancer. Not asking for prevention, or help with side effects.
Alternative Medicine - 7 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
i think you should just smoke a lot of weed, heres a true story for u. a guy had cancer and was most likely going to die, he asked his nurse if it was bad for him to smoke weed, and she said "well u didnt hear this from me, but smoing marijuana can only benifit u at this point"
2 :
Edit, hey I just wrote a 7 page thing up for a friend who wanted cancer advice. Would you like me to send it to you? It expands the points I mentioned here much better. ==== One of my relatives got breast cancer, and as a result I looked into all the alternative medical treatments for it. My family happened to know a super good alt med doctor with a clinic where he tests stuff, so things were a bit easier for me. Long story short, I came to the conclusion cancer normally is pretty easy to prevent or cure (and cheap to do so), but any approach like this is constantly rejected by the medical system since treating cancer is such an incredibly lucrative market. Or put differently, the US has extremely high cancer rates, some of the worst treatment rates, and is the most expensive, but at the same time has managed to convince everyone in the country that the approach they have is best. When we went through the various options existing, we ended up choosing to use a Rife machine, along with orgone stuff (the people that invented both were incarcerated). The tumor dissappeared in about 3 weeks and never came back. The onclogost couldn't explain why. There are a lot of other methods and approachs to dealing with cancer as well that are probably valid, but more than anything else, when you look at how the medical system deals with cancer it's really just absurd. The only negative thing about what was done with my aunt was that we wanted to get the tumor cured as quickly as possible, so we didn't do one thing at a time to ensure a more likely rate of success. I can tell you more if you want. Hope that helps!
3 :
HI there, A friend of mine, recommended a DNA collagen drink to me. I do not know how effective his drink well help you or your condition. But according to my friend it is very good for cancer patient. Some of the famous Hospital in Japan have already been using it to treat cancer patient for years now. There are lots of cancer patients who have full trust in this drink and by just drinking it have got tremendous result and improvement on their condition. My friend send me lots of patients testimonal about consuming this drink. Sorry I don't have the english translation format. What I can do here. I will list the drink ingredients for you to take a look. It contents of Nucleic acid, Zinc, Collagen, Hyaluronate, Chondroitin, Vitamin C, Vitamin B1,Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12. According to the expert and their studies in Japan, this drink can really help cancer patient. Below are the english translation of the components effect: "Helps repairs wounded cell in inner human body. A supplement help all adults (in particularly sick patients), by providing adequate nourishment to the human body. Prevent aging. Improve physique & maintain good health" I have started to consume this drink myself for 8 month or most. All I can really say is. I don't easily fall sick.Infact I have not fall sick for the pass 8 month or most. I have skin alergic problem.And my skin condition is getting better.
4 :
I'm also having TCM for cancer cells / tumor, I diagnosed myself after joining Yahoo answers a month ago. The doctors here are really helpful and the information was just what i needed. I haven't been officially diagnosed by my GP but my TCM doctor did pick it up. I'm waiting for my CA125 test results later this week. So far my blood tests and other tests show that something is very much out of range of normal, I need further tests to determine whether I have CA or not officially by western doctor. I went to my TCM doctor because a friend who has been having treatment for almost 6 months told me about a lady with stomach cancer in five weeks that he helped. He also successfully helped his sister recover from uterine cancer two years ago. I have worked in a hospital before and respect the dedicated doctors very much. However, I've studied the success rates of western treatments for my type of CA, the side effects and lack of convincing success rates made me decide to try alternative medicine. By the way I do have doubts this treatment can help me if I'm diagnosed at stage IV but hope it can, even if I don't believe it, but do believe TCM can help people diagnosed at an earlier stage. I believe that surgery only spreads the cancer cells further plus introduces infection to the body. In my opinion radiation weakens the body too much. And chemo not only kills the cancer cells but also the good ones we need for fighting the renegade cells. For me, seeing is believing and seeing the slow but amazing recovery of my friend who has prostate cancer is one reason I chose to see the doctor I introduced him to. My doctor is not in it for the money, he doesn't even charge sometimes, people who cannot afford to pay.
5 :
I am a Homeopath and treating two cancer patients right now one with Lung Cancer and another with breast cancer. For Lung Cancer I have prescribed TURMERIC POWDER 1/4 of a teaspoon with one table spoon of pure honey three times a day, along with these three Homeopathic Medicine CARCINOSIN in CM(100,000) potency once a week or 10 days and PHOSPHORUS and BRYONIA ALBA both in 30C potency three times a day the patient has showed marked improvemnet in respiration is walking two to three miles a day without difficulty and her blood oxygen is back to normal. I will ask her if I can post her email address so you can correspond with her one to one and ask for yourself. I have treated and cured people with liver cancer due to cirrhosis, hepatitis B and C with SULFUR and BRYONIA in 30 potency and CARDUSS MARIANUS in Q which is the mother tincture potency with 100% results and all of them were deemed incurable by our "REAL DOCTORS" . No charges for treatment ever all of them were charged nothing so money is not what I am interested in Curing is what I will do anything for. Those who are in medicine for money are the ones who end up inventing fancy names for what they haven't got clue how to treat and they call themselves "REAL DOCTORS"(read sarcasm) and they can't stop calling me names for "SELLING" people water as medicine where as my advise and suggestions have always been free of cost not a cent charged to anyone :o). Ask the cured patients if Homeopathy is plain water as a lot of morons call it and can water treat and cure Cancer, Hepatitis and liver Cirrhosis, about liver treatment you can email this person who is still under treatment for as claimed by our REAL DOCTORS as end stage liver disease and gave her a death sentence before this new years eve by the grace of the almighty she is alive and getting better everyday :o) here is a link to her profile you can ask her yourself :- http://answers.yahoo.com/my/profile;_ylt=Aq6HwNHyOwKmFvkuXOMeQEPsy6IX;_ylv=3?show=pmedW3CBaa and ask her if she was ever charged anything for her treatment. And the skeptics be damned for all I care, these are 100% cures they want scientific proof they can go find it themselves it works where the morons fails thats proof enough of how well it works and what science do they talk about which has failed them so far and would go on failing till they know and acknowledge what the truth is, by turning a blind eye just for the sake of selling drastic chemicals as "MEDICINE" and calling Homeopathy a placebo despite all what it accomplishes it isnt lack of proof its turning a blind eye to the truth. They have to become healers yet till now our "REAL DOCTORS" are just certified drug pushers selling medicine not cures. Yee and their thumbs down wont stop me from helping people with real cures nor would their pathetic uneducated Ranting. My sole pupose is show the world what utter farce our so called "REAL DOCTORS" are feeding us in the name of Medicine. Is'nt medicine something which should make you feel better instead of worse after taking it. And does what are "REAL DOCTORS" "REAL MEDICINE" does that ? huh ? Whats scaring the living daylights out of our "REAL DOCTOR" is that their drug pushing days are almost over. The world at large is seeing what the "REAL MEDICINE" can accomplish, next to nil, you are worse off after taking Chemicals sold in the name of "MEDICINE" no cures just fancy names. Homeopathy treats the patient the whole being and helps our natural healing system to over come whatever is ailing our system and get rid of it once and for all, making us a healthier happier person and stronger then ever to fend of the invasion of Virus and disease. It isnt that they lack proof that homeopathy works its just they intentionally turn a blind eye to the truth so they can keep on fooling us and selling us I have to laugh at it "MEDICINE" which destroy all our natural defenses and make us dependant upon yet more chemicals as if God intended us to take chemicals all our lives. Can we call those chemicals medicine ? Ask yourself and you will find the answer. Take care and God bless everyone. Amen
6 :
my mom has lung cancer a friend of mine recomended TURMERIC at 1/4 teaspoon dosage today her dr. told us her tumor has shrank 1 mm in size her blood oxygen went from 78% to 99& after treatments of TURMERIC she is walking now where as she was bedfast. mom was given six months to live eight months ago. she is winning her cancer fight with my friend soul doctor's help' he is a wise man pay attention to him.
7 :
CANCER: On the news last night, it was found that Swedish scientists found that human breast milks kills cancer in a petri dish. People who drink it have had some success in fighting off cancer. You need a prescription and it's not the cheapest thing to obtain, but it works. http://www.sciencenews.org/articles/20061209/bob8.asp http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/4187697.stm
I have been in cancer treatment for the last 3 years, so I read a lot of stuff pertaining to cancer. THere are so many claims out there for alt or natural meds or herbal remedies. I am very well aware some of these things help with treatment. I have used a couple to help, treating the side effects of therapy, mainly on a mind control, psychological basis. However, I want to know: The people who tout some alt med as a CURE, do you feel strongly enough about what you are advertising that you would use the exact same protocol, and that protocol only (meaning no chemo surgery or radiation, as most alt treatments advertise). Anyone currently under going an alt treatment only to treat cancer? I would just like to know how many people truely have that much faith in the methods they are suggesting or selling. Weed doesnt treat the cancer, side effects only. I have used both real mj, and the synthetic thc rx marinol, both helped with the side effects. I have actually finished treatment, and there werent many alt treatments for mine, not even ones that didnt make sense. I am not looking for me, just trying to get some knowledge. I know all sorts of alt treatments help with side effects, provide nourishment and all that. What I want to know, is if anyone that touts these supposed cure treatments have actually used what they advertise alone for treatment (without using chemo, surgery, or radiation). I am challenging those who would like to make a lot of money selling these alt treatments are willing to put their mouth where there money is. For example, is there anyone out there who has actually used, say juicing, ALONE, WITHOUT CHEMO SURGERY OR RADIATION, to TREAT their cancer. Not asking for prevention, or help with side effects.
Alternative Medicine - 7 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
i think you should just smoke a lot of weed, heres a true story for u. a guy had cancer and was most likely going to die, he asked his nurse if it was bad for him to smoke weed, and she said "well u didnt hear this from me, but smoing marijuana can only benifit u at this point"
2 :
Edit, hey I just wrote a 7 page thing up for a friend who wanted cancer advice. Would you like me to send it to you? It expands the points I mentioned here much better. ==== One of my relatives got breast cancer, and as a result I looked into all the alternative medical treatments for it. My family happened to know a super good alt med doctor with a clinic where he tests stuff, so things were a bit easier for me. Long story short, I came to the conclusion cancer normally is pretty easy to prevent or cure (and cheap to do so), but any approach like this is constantly rejected by the medical system since treating cancer is such an incredibly lucrative market. Or put differently, the US has extremely high cancer rates, some of the worst treatment rates, and is the most expensive, but at the same time has managed to convince everyone in the country that the approach they have is best. When we went through the various options existing, we ended up choosing to use a Rife machine, along with orgone stuff (the people that invented both were incarcerated). The tumor dissappeared in about 3 weeks and never came back. The onclogost couldn't explain why. There are a lot of other methods and approachs to dealing with cancer as well that are probably valid, but more than anything else, when you look at how the medical system deals with cancer it's really just absurd. The only negative thing about what was done with my aunt was that we wanted to get the tumor cured as quickly as possible, so we didn't do one thing at a time to ensure a more likely rate of success. I can tell you more if you want. Hope that helps!
3 :
HI there, A friend of mine, recommended a DNA collagen drink to me. I do not know how effective his drink well help you or your condition. But according to my friend it is very good for cancer patient. Some of the famous Hospital in Japan have already been using it to treat cancer patient for years now. There are lots of cancer patients who have full trust in this drink and by just drinking it have got tremendous result and improvement on their condition. My friend send me lots of patients testimonal about consuming this drink. Sorry I don't have the english translation format. What I can do here. I will list the drink ingredients for you to take a look. It contents of Nucleic acid, Zinc, Collagen, Hyaluronate, Chondroitin, Vitamin C, Vitamin B1,Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12. According to the expert and their studies in Japan, this drink can really help cancer patient. Below are the english translation of the components effect: "Helps repairs wounded cell in inner human body. A supplement help all adults (in particularly sick patients), by providing adequate nourishment to the human body. Prevent aging. Improve physique & maintain good health" I have started to consume this drink myself for 8 month or most. All I can really say is. I don't easily fall sick.Infact I have not fall sick for the pass 8 month or most. I have skin alergic problem.And my skin condition is getting better.
4 :
I'm also having TCM for cancer cells / tumor, I diagnosed myself after joining Yahoo answers a month ago. The doctors here are really helpful and the information was just what i needed. I haven't been officially diagnosed by my GP but my TCM doctor did pick it up. I'm waiting for my CA125 test results later this week. So far my blood tests and other tests show that something is very much out of range of normal, I need further tests to determine whether I have CA or not officially by western doctor. I went to my TCM doctor because a friend who has been having treatment for almost 6 months told me about a lady with stomach cancer in five weeks that he helped. He also successfully helped his sister recover from uterine cancer two years ago. I have worked in a hospital before and respect the dedicated doctors very much. However, I've studied the success rates of western treatments for my type of CA, the side effects and lack of convincing success rates made me decide to try alternative medicine. By the way I do have doubts this treatment can help me if I'm diagnosed at stage IV but hope it can, even if I don't believe it, but do believe TCM can help people diagnosed at an earlier stage. I believe that surgery only spreads the cancer cells further plus introduces infection to the body. In my opinion radiation weakens the body too much. And chemo not only kills the cancer cells but also the good ones we need for fighting the renegade cells. For me, seeing is believing and seeing the slow but amazing recovery of my friend who has prostate cancer is one reason I chose to see the doctor I introduced him to. My doctor is not in it for the money, he doesn't even charge sometimes, people who cannot afford to pay.
5 :
I am a Homeopath and treating two cancer patients right now one with Lung Cancer and another with breast cancer. For Lung Cancer I have prescribed TURMERIC POWDER 1/4 of a teaspoon with one table spoon of pure honey three times a day, along with these three Homeopathic Medicine CARCINOSIN in CM(100,000) potency once a week or 10 days and PHOSPHORUS and BRYONIA ALBA both in 30C potency three times a day the patient has showed marked improvemnet in respiration is walking two to three miles a day without difficulty and her blood oxygen is back to normal. I will ask her if I can post her email address so you can correspond with her one to one and ask for yourself. I have treated and cured people with liver cancer due to cirrhosis, hepatitis B and C with SULFUR and BRYONIA in 30 potency and CARDUSS MARIANUS in Q which is the mother tincture potency with 100% results and all of them were deemed incurable by our "REAL DOCTORS" . No charges for treatment ever all of them were charged nothing so money is not what I am interested in Curing is what I will do anything for. Those who are in medicine for money are the ones who end up inventing fancy names for what they haven't got clue how to treat and they call themselves "REAL DOCTORS"(read sarcasm) and they can't stop calling me names for "SELLING" people water as medicine where as my advise and suggestions have always been free of cost not a cent charged to anyone :o). Ask the cured patients if Homeopathy is plain water as a lot of morons call it and can water treat and cure Cancer, Hepatitis and liver Cirrhosis, about liver treatment you can email this person who is still under treatment for as claimed by our REAL DOCTORS as end stage liver disease and gave her a death sentence before this new years eve by the grace of the almighty she is alive and getting better everyday :o) here is a link to her profile you can ask her yourself :- http://answers.yahoo.com/my/profile;_ylt=Aq6HwNHyOwKmFvkuXOMeQEPsy6IX;_ylv=3?show=pmedW3CBaa and ask her if she was ever charged anything for her treatment. And the skeptics be damned for all I care, these are 100% cures they want scientific proof they can go find it themselves it works where the morons fails thats proof enough of how well it works and what science do they talk about which has failed them so far and would go on failing till they know and acknowledge what the truth is, by turning a blind eye just for the sake of selling drastic chemicals as "MEDICINE" and calling Homeopathy a placebo despite all what it accomplishes it isnt lack of proof its turning a blind eye to the truth. They have to become healers yet till now our "REAL DOCTORS" are just certified drug pushers selling medicine not cures. Yee and their thumbs down wont stop me from helping people with real cures nor would their pathetic uneducated Ranting. My sole pupose is show the world what utter farce our so called "REAL DOCTORS" are feeding us in the name of Medicine. Is'nt medicine something which should make you feel better instead of worse after taking it. And does what are "REAL DOCTORS" "REAL MEDICINE" does that ? huh ? Whats scaring the living daylights out of our "REAL DOCTOR" is that their drug pushing days are almost over. The world at large is seeing what the "REAL MEDICINE" can accomplish, next to nil, you are worse off after taking Chemicals sold in the name of "MEDICINE" no cures just fancy names. Homeopathy treats the patient the whole being and helps our natural healing system to over come whatever is ailing our system and get rid of it once and for all, making us a healthier happier person and stronger then ever to fend of the invasion of Virus and disease. It isnt that they lack proof that homeopathy works its just they intentionally turn a blind eye to the truth so they can keep on fooling us and selling us I have to laugh at it "MEDICINE" which destroy all our natural defenses and make us dependant upon yet more chemicals as if God intended us to take chemicals all our lives. Can we call those chemicals medicine ? Ask yourself and you will find the answer. Take care and God bless everyone. Amen
6 :
my mom has lung cancer a friend of mine recomended TURMERIC at 1/4 teaspoon dosage today her dr. told us her tumor has shrank 1 mm in size her blood oxygen went from 78% to 99& after treatments of TURMERIC she is walking now where as she was bedfast. mom was given six months to live eight months ago. she is winning her cancer fight with my friend soul doctor's help' he is a wise man pay attention to him.
7 :
CANCER: On the news last night, it was found that Swedish scientists found that human breast milks kills cancer in a petri dish. People who drink it have had some success in fighting off cancer. You need a prescription and it's not the cheapest thing to obtain, but it works. http://www.sciencenews.org/articles/20061209/bob8.asp http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/4187697.stm
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
cancer treatment
cancer treatment?
Does anyone have any information about a new cancer treatment developed in Lebanon by someone Nabil Habib? and, what is his address? Is there any other well-tested therapist for cancer in the middle east or south asia?
Cancer - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Supposedly, there is a physician in Japan who has discovered a combination fo medication and exercise that can reduce or eliminate cancerous tumors. Don't know his name but again, supposedly, the treatment worked on 487 of 500 people, and according to the report, the reason it didn't work on the other 13 was that their cancer was too far advanced for the treatment to help.
2 :
never heard of it. if there was such a thing, it would have been all over the world news.. don't you think?
3 :
This is off of a Q&A site so I am not sure how accurate it is but it is saying this is the fax number Dr. Nabil Habib Fax # 00961 1 875208 1 891400 1 891401
Does anyone have any information about a new cancer treatment developed in Lebanon by someone Nabil Habib? and, what is his address? Is there any other well-tested therapist for cancer in the middle east or south asia?
Cancer - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Supposedly, there is a physician in Japan who has discovered a combination fo medication and exercise that can reduce or eliminate cancerous tumors. Don't know his name but again, supposedly, the treatment worked on 487 of 500 people, and according to the report, the reason it didn't work on the other 13 was that their cancer was too far advanced for the treatment to help.
2 :
never heard of it. if there was such a thing, it would have been all over the world news.. don't you think?
3 :
This is off of a Q&A site so I am not sure how accurate it is but it is saying this is the fax number Dr. Nabil Habib Fax # 00961 1 875208 1 891400 1 891401
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