Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Does anyone have any good or bad stories about Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Tulsa

Does anyone have any good or bad stories about Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Tulsa?
My dad has been diagnosed with cancer and is going to go there next week. A family friend is being very negative about CTCA and I feel that it is our best fighting chance to get rid of it. Please let me know if you have any information at all! Thanks so much!
Cancer - 5 Answers

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1 :
My mom went there, but she was in Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer, so it was basically hopeless. We went to the one in IL. They were very attentive and caring. Because of the nature of her disease I do not think they could have saved her, but had we gotten her in there earlier I think she would have been happier throughout the process. I don;lt think they have miracle cures, but I do like there "whole body + mind" approach. Good Luck to your dad & your family.
2 :
I have brain cancer and I called CTCA and was referred to the treatment center in Tulsa. The ONLY thing they kept wanting to know was what type of insurance I had. When I told them I had Blue Cross/Blue Shield AND Medicare, their response was "I'm sorry, we are unable to help you, please call back if and when your insurance changes". When I proceeded to tell them that we were prepared to take out a loan and pay cash for my visit, they weren't interested. They said they only accept insurance and they don't accept BC/BS nor Medicare. They went on to say that if I was in dire need, then perhaps my husband should get a job with insurance they would accept!!!! When I asked to speak to a billing supervisor I was told that it was their policy and they even had the audacity to tell me to "have a nice day". I don't call what they said caring, attentive or anything other than cruel. You couldn't pay me to go there now. They are only interested in the money not the patient.
3 :
Good Luck to you and certainly for your dad. Have just started an investigation of this outfit so my knowledge is limited. My investigation shall be very thorough when completed. I must assume you have gotten past the upfront cash required by these people. It can be as little as $15000 or as much as $250000 on the barrelhead. It depends on the cancer type, location, history of therapy response, types of therapy employed, length of therapy etc. Sadly, it also depends on this COMPANY'S current fiscal condition. It's contracts for personnel. It's agreements with its' suppliers and contractors. The amount being paid by them to keep a substantial legal team under retainer. It's ever increasing expenditures in marketing (the TV advertising costs rise rapidly even with contractual lookahead agreements). As far as good versus not so good outcomes are concerned, in my initial requests for information I have been able to come to some conclusions, based again on a small sampling of respondents, which I found to be revelatory. Almost every "did make use of" patient or patients family and/or friends said they were very impressed with the initial contact(s) with CTCA representitives. The "employees" were totally sympathetic to both the patient and his/her family members and/or friends. Obviously this is splendid. With this diagnosis a positive and hopeful stance by the treating people is "just what the doctor ordered". And it was "what the doctor ordered" as well as the marketing team in their high level sales meeting(s). You must remember that this company is just that. A COMPANY. A PROFIT MAKING COMPANY. Nothing is done at any of their facilities that are purely altruistic. They have a Chairman of the Board, a CFO, a Board etc. As an incorporated entity they have a good many stockholders. All of these people want as much money paid to the company as can be had. Although it is possible that everyone involved is an angel on earth, recent public disclosures have shown that corporations have but one real incentive. A sad state of affairs! As far as positive ending treatments are concerned. Yes! They do have some succesful outcomes. As far as my beginning investigations are concerned, the success rates for all types of malignancy seem to be comparable to those of private and public hospitals and clinics around the United States. This includes those centers which descibe themselves as "Cancer Centers" both, again, public and private. Most, if not all, declarations of the type that infers that we are better because we concentrate on cancer (or diabetes or ??????) play word games with the public. The people who are dealing with these dreadful conditions are at a vulnerable point in life and these medical organisations know this all too well and use desperation to increase their bottom lines. The old chestnut "figures don't lie But lyers can figure" does apply more often than we would like to think it does. Bottom line here is...............if you listen with both ears..........if you ask reasonable questions and ask these questions of the doctors and other medical personnel who will be involved in the treament of your loved one......................if you are truly satisfied with those answers..............if you know what the contemplated treatments are going to cost the resposible party (they ALWAYS add up faster than one can possibly believe).....................if you go to the trouble of gathering comments, both pro and con, from the internet, trustworthy print media, friends, relatives and disinterested third parties, people who have been directly involved with the institution you are thinking of using (UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES PAY ANY ATTENTION TO ADVERTISEMENTS PRODUCED AND PAID FOR BY THE INSTITUTION YOU ARE CONTEMPLATING USING! REMEMBER WHY THEY ARE ADVERTISING. IT'S FOR THEIR WALLETS AND POCKETBOOKS. BEING CUTE, FUNNY, OVERTLY SENTIMENTAL, EVEN TUGGING AT YOUR PATRIOTISM (IT'S HAPPENED BEFORE AND WILL HAPPEN AGAIN) ARE ALL TRICKS USED BY PROFESSIONAL PITCHMEN AND WRITERS TO GET INTO YOUR BANK ACCOUNTS ETC. DON'T LET THEM DO IT. YOU ARE IN CHARGE! I must refer you to a lawsuit filed by the Federal Trade Commission in 1994. CTCA was sued for making false unsubstantiated medical claims about their success rates, the efficacy of certain treatments, the approach used by their first contacts employees and agents ie;by telephone, computer and face-to-face. There were some other accusations of wrongdoing against them. CTCA, to keep from publically admitting their guilt, agreed to the issuing of a Consent Decree by the U.S. Government which bars them in perpetuam, from making any claims they could not backup, publically or privately, and many other things. Currently they are using in both broadcast and print ads, claims that can at best, be described as purely anecdotal and guised in a wrapping of onesided wishful thinking. Though to my knowledge no lawsuit has been filed as yet, I have been informed that some officia
4 :
What type cancer has your dad been diagnosed with? One of the members of my brain tumor support group tried CTCA and felt they were totally a bad choice for treatment. I don't remember the details other than her recommending against it. Good luck.
5 :
CTCA are a for-profit organization. That being said,they offer a state-of -the art ,very comprehensive approach to cancer treatment.However,top-notch care is available in many medical centers, CTCA does not have the "edge" there. I believe they cater to, and focus on aspects of the healing precess not addressed by most hospitals.The senses, desires and emotions are included in the care process, they call it"patient empowerment medicine". Does the patient get what they pay for? I think it depends on the patient and his/her needs, some folks want a direct- "let's treat it and get on with it.." approach and some want a more holistic, all encompassing experiance...and are willing to pay the price.

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Friday, October 24, 2008

How do I help my sister get through her breast cancer treatment

How do I help my sister get through her breast cancer treatment ?
My sister was recently told she has breast cancer. I am her big brother and not sure how to help get through this ordeal. I am so afraid of losing her. But I want to be supportive and not bring her down. What can I do?
Cancer - 6 Answers
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1 :
just be there for her. if she needs something or needs to talk be there . in the meantime you are gonna need someone to talk to you yourself so you can be a good support for your sister............................good luck! e mail me if you want. I had a 3 yr old with cancer terrinjohn89@adelphia.net
2 :
Try to not bring it up, but when SHE does just tell her that you're there for her and let her now you're there all the way. Other then that, there is nothing else you can do. Physically, you can help her with daily tasks, like cleaning, etc... because the treatment she will recieve will more than likely weaken her. So just talk to her. Keep her mind off of it, and just love her like you always have. Having cancer is not a death sentence. Its a good chance she will be ok, remind her. Good luck to you and your sister.
3 :
First off, I'm very sorry for your sister's cancer. The waiting period is often difficult for a cancer patient, so listening to them, and sharing their pain can sometimes help. I also heard zoo therapy is good (bringing an animal boosts their feel-good hormones).I know you're afraid, but try and be hopeful, there are many people surviving the disease and your sister will be one of those too. I wish you both the best, God bless, -Sarah-
4 :
Clean her house, mow her lawn, buy her groceries, cook her meals, babysit for her....basically treat her like a queen! She needs all the support she can get AND she'll love you for it!
5 :
Offer to take her to appointments. Often times a sister needs her brother to talk to her and visit with her as he always has before. If you show her that you are positive that she'll pull through this then she will believe it herself. Remember that because she has cancer doesn't mean that she is a different person now. Best of luck to you, your sister and the rest of your family.
6 :
Just be there with her. The treatments can make her tired and sometimes sick. She just needs to know that you will be there for her, whether she is sad or happy. she needs to be able to talk to you and know when you are looking at her, that you don't feel sorry for her. Treat her the same as you always have. She will have good days and bad ones, but she has to know she can count on you. My very best to you and your sister.

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Monday, October 20, 2008

How do I start a fund for my own cancer treatment? Is there a bank or place that will help or make account

How do I start a fund for my own cancer treatment? Is there a bank or place that will help or make account?
Im a 33 year old single, african-american woman with no kids, FT employee, PT student and I have recently been diegnosed with Breast Cancer. Being that I was already living paycheck to paycheck before, now I am falling into debt as I am trying to pay co-pays & medical bills as they come. I am not used to asking for help or hand outs of any kind but I need help & have no idea where to start.
Cancer - 2 Answers

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1 :
Ask a library where the local breast cancer support groups are. You could also ask the library where other resources are, like for free food boxes, state income support for medical bills, local free medical clinics, etc. Also, God can help you live a better life if you want Him to help you. You can have a personal relationship with God by saying the prayer below. God is our Creator, all-knowing, all-powerful, eternal, holy, love. God loves us and sent us His Son, Jesus Christ, so we can go to heaven if we know and follow Him. Forever means without end -- time on and on without death. Forever is what happens after we die. Either we go to heaven and be with God forever, or we go to hell which is very bad and painful forever. The good people who are saved believers in Jesus Christ go to heaven. The bad people go to hell. We need to know and follow God in this world to get to heaven in the next world. We follow God by loving and obeying Him and loving others for Him. Jesus Christ, God's Son, is our bridge to God. Jesus died on the cross to cancel our sins. We need to accept Jesus into our life as our Lord and Savior forever to receive God's blessing and forgiveness plus go to heaven to be with God forever after we die. This is about being a born-again Christian. Faith in God is a gift from God. You can pray for faith in God. Just speak out and ask God for the faith to believe in Him and to follow Him. Some people find faith in God when they realize the beauty in the world is made by God. Evolution can't explain the world's natural beauty, for example, the parks in the world, animals, flowers, peacocks, sunsets, butterflies, rainbows, etc. After you have your faith on, you can pray a sinner's prayer to be a born-again Christian. This prayer is very important and should be said with a sincere heart and faith in God. This is the prayer: "Dear God, I know that I am a sinner and that Jesus Christ is the sacrifice for our sins. I have done the following sins (state these out) and I pray to discontinue these sins. I pray to receive Jesus Christ into my life as my Lord and Savior forever. In Jesus' name, amen." I'm Lutheran and I like the Baptist churches too. You could try out a Christian church and also see about their weekly Bible study group to learn about God's will for your life. You can pray to God about your daily life and ask a Christian church to pray for you too.
2 :
Research into apricot seed, check this link out http://lungcancersurvivalrate.org Erica S http://lungcancersurvivalrate.org

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

What do you think about Graviola as an alternative cancer treatment

What do you think about Graviola as an alternative cancer treatment?
It's been said that Graviola kills cancer cells and is 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy but has only been tested on rats. Do you think it might have similar results if used on humans?
Cancer - 2 Answers
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It could be beneficial. The best treatment is a combination of both.
2 :
If I was a rat and had cancer it would be my first choice of treatments, assuming the positive results being claimed were not produced just in a test tube. If I was a human with cancer and wanted to live, I'd see an oncologist as soon as possible because no substance like graviola has ever proven to be an effective tool against cancer other than on the internet where anyone can say anything and have zero real life proof to back up that statement. If graviola actually cured cancer in humans you can be assured that oncologists would be rushing to use it rather than letting their patients die of cancer.

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Sunday, October 12, 2008

If insurance companies are so evil then why did they keep paying for my fathers cancer treatment

If insurance companies are so evil then why did they keep paying for my fathers cancer treatment?
cancer treatments for two years, when he had terminal cancer ,they gave us two more years together that I could never put a price on, and Im dirt poor ?
Elections - 9 Answers

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1 :
1. It depends on the carrier. Some (like Kaiser Permanente) are non-profit, so their chief interest is actually allowing healthcare. 2. If they are for-profit, probably because they haven't found a loophole. They have probably tried to find a way out of the contract as the bills keep rolling in.
2 :
He was one of the lucky ones believe me I know people who developed cancer and after six months of treatment the company dropped them. Now what if that was your father?? then how would you feel about YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY???
3 :
Because that's what insurance companies are designed to do. But the left only shows the extreme cases of failures.
4 :
My condolences on the loss of your father. However your father's insurance is the exception not the norm. Most insurance companies would have dropped him a long time ago, or they would have greatly reduced his benefits. Volunteer on the oncology ward and I think your opinion on how GREAT insurance companies are will drastically change.
5 :
My insurance company has been paying for my cancer treatments for three years. There is no way Obama care could provide the excellent health care I have received. Most of the idiots saying your father was LUCKY have never had a major health issue. They cannot understand the consequences of single payer health care.
6 :
No one said they were "evil". That's over the top rhetoric from Right wingers. The fact is they put their profits in front of the insured. That's how they MAKE profits.
7 :
You are lucky. Overall in the industry, 50% of people who come down with a terminal illness have their insurance canceled. For some illnesses in some states it is 100%. ∠°)
8 :
. Your father had a good insurance plan and a good doctor to advocate for him and his care. Sorry for your loss. My mother had Medicare and I paid for an American Express Supplemental Policy. And she had a great team of doctors: her G.P. and her oncologist and a counselor. 1 1/2 years of treatment for breast cancer, including lymph node removal, left her a bald, puking, pain-wracked mess after surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, what is called "The Aggressive Protocol." She watched her father go through all that for 6 years in the 1950's, my father went through it for 4 years in the late 1970's, my brother went through it in 1984/5/6, then herself in 1993/4. They ALL died, all bald, puking, skeletal messes, clinging to life while barely alive. She had a living will, I was the executor: no extraordinary measures, no resuscitation, no intubation were the 3 big provisions. She had the foresight to have gone through HER "end of life" conference with her G.P and her lawyer YEARS before she ever got sick. When her heart exploded (hemopericardium, cardiac tamponade, and acute transmural infarction), she died an almost-instant, unconscious natural death. Her fear had been that she'd have an incident that left her vegetative, full of needles and tubes, semi-aware but immobile and she did NOT consider THAT to be "living." She also told me just before she died, a few weeks before her sudden heart attack, that she deeply regretted her choice to fight the cancer, the onset of which was when she was 75. If she could have done it all over again, she'd have chosen hospice care and lots of on-demand drugs (palliative care) rather than the mess that the standard treatment had left her. But there are no do-overs. The point is: she chose her manner of treatment, because she DID have the hospice option which her doctor had mentioned; and she had the end-of-life options because she made them, all thanks to a knowledgeable doctor AND because she had the foresight to research it, think about it and then she DID something about it. But her insurance would not pay for it: under the reform proposed, it would HAVE TO pay for the doctor's time to make that information available and to explain the options available. And that's only ONE of the proposed reforms... I honestly don't understand why people (other than Insurance Companies and their lobbyists and the masses of mis- and mal-informed) are objecting to these and other very rational provisions, which include over 160 REPUBLICAN amendments, which are being proposed. Teddy Roosevelt opted out of the Republican Party to form the Progressive (Bull Moose) party, because of the 'Pubs' opposition to his health care 'planks' in 1912. He was defeated in the election. Harry Truman tried in 1948: same result. Clinton tried in 1993/4: same result. And now we find ourselves in the same position in 2009. I must ask: AREN'T 97 GODDAMNED YEARS LONG ENOUGH TO WAIT? .
9 :
For the same reason my father's insurance paid for my mother's cancer care even though we don't have much money. And our insurance company is for-profit. When she beat her life-threatening cancer, which they paid for, they paid for treatment when it came back, and she beat it again. And whenever anyone in my family gets sick we go to the doctor the next day or two, literally. The Canadian plan being glorified would have us waiting. I take it you know this, but when the left looks straight at you and says insurance companies dump you for getting sick, they are lying to your face.

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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Is there any successful cancer treatment for dogs

Is there any successful cancer treatment for dogs?
Besides the treatment to give a dog more months to live...is there any successful treatment that would give years to a dog? I don't know yet...I will have the results in 2 days. I am just preparing myself for the worse... because my husband does not want to do the treatment if it's not proven to work... and I am like totally lost. she does have a liver problem, but it could be something else.
Dogs - 5 Answers
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1 :
What kind of cancer??
2 :
It is going to depend on what kind of cancer, just like the cancers that humans get. Some are curable, some at this time, are not.
3 :
I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. I don't know about you, but I'm really into alternative/holistic medicine. Especially if the vet says there is no cure, I'd research alternative health remedies. These aren't "proven to work" but for the most part they're not expensive, not time-consuming and won't do any harm. I've tried a few anti-cancer "cures." My evidence is just anecdotal, but I've found that they've worked very well. I suggest you try the Budwig diet. This was developed by a German biochemist, Ph.D. and seven-time Nobel prize nominee. The good thing about this cancer treatment is that it uses foods that most dogs naturally love, so no forcing nasty stuff down your dog's throat. In simplest terms, you need a hand-held blender to blend cottage cheese and flax-seed oil. Read about it yourself at these websites: http://www.cancure.org/budwig_diet.htm http://www.cancertutor.com/Cancer/Budwig.html http://www.healingcancernaturally.com/pet-cancer-cure-testimonials.html http://www.holisticdog.org/Symptoms/D_E_F/Flaxseed/flaxseed.html I found a lump in my dog's belly. He's rather old and I knew that it would likely take surgery just to figure out what it was and I didn't want to put him through that. My mom, though, is a nurse. I showed it to her and she thinks it's probably cancer. I started giving my dog the Budwig diet every day and the lump has gotten smaller. Since I'm making, I take it as well since it's supposed to have a lot of health benefits. I have also tried Hulda Clark's method, which actually seemed to be very successful, but the nutrients and tinctures don't taste too good, so you need to force it down your dog's throat, which is no fun. That's why I prefer the Budwig protocol. http://www.amazon.com/Cure-All-Cancers-Including-Histories/dp/1890035009/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/104-5667176-8248749?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1189043004&sr=8-1
4 :
It depends on a lot of different factors: the type of cancer, what stage the cancer is in, where the cancer is located, whether or not it has metastasized, the age and overall health of the dog. Surgery, chemotherapy and radiation are all available for animals—your vet can suggest what she thinks is the best option. Ask you vet about oncology specialists in your area if your dog does have cancer. Cornell, Tufts and Angell animal medical centers are all excellent; perhaps you can call one of them and ask some questions. I am so sorry to hear about your dog. (One of my cats died of a very aggressive form of cancer.) Best wishes, Cat
5 :
If it is an early stage cancer in a very small contained form surgery works well. And I completely agree with Cleoppa on this. I would look into alternative care. I would never personally give chemo or radiation to my dog. In dogs they usually turn to chemo and surgery. Chemo is cruel, and the dogs die anyway. But the life they live before they die is greatly diminished in quality. I would never do that to my dog.

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Saturday, October 4, 2008

Does anyone know of a great cancer treatment center

Does anyone know of a great cancer treatment center?
My uncle was recently diagnosed with colon cancer stage four, liver cancer, pancreas cancer and brain cancer. He also has diabetes. Doctors say he has probably had this for about eight years, but was never diagnosed. He is given only two months to live. Anyone know of any centers, treatments or survival stories that apply? thanks.
Cancer - 5 Answers

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1 :
Cancer Treatment Centers of America. They have locations in: Tulsa, OK- Philadelphia, PA- Zion, IL- and Goodyear, AR Hope I helped. Hope your uncle gets better. :(
2 :
You AND your uncle should see "The Gerson Miracle" and "The Beautiful Truth"... Max Gerson was the guy who discovered a cure for cancer ... check it out on youtube.com or www.google.video.com --it's free... but the people making money off drugs don't want you to know
3 :
most likely your uncle has a colon cancer invading into adjacent organs( pancreas , liver) and going to distant organs like brain. its very unlikely that he has four different types of cancers. in any case depending on many factors including his general health and age , he may or may not be a candidate for surgery. Some centers tend to be pretty aggressive. he definitely needs to go to a really specialized cancer center with good experience of colorectal cancer, cleveland clinic-OH would be a good example (huge experience in colorectal cancer, pancreatic and liver cancers ). another example is Memorial Sloan Kettering--NY , MD Anderson-TX. US news and world report will give you a ranking of the top cancer centers but i personally recommend one of the previously mentioned. One more thing, regardless of the cure-ability of your Uncle's Cancer, he needs to go to a highly specialized center even for palliation. Wish he will get better and never loose hope. believe me, i have seen miracles happening to some patients before
4 :
Journey to Surviving Cancer Naturally Sit down, lock the door, take the phone off the hook... Read this entire letter to discover simple steps to “switch” your body chemistry so that it starts destroying tumors day by day... ... and find out what today's top medical scientists, doctors and even Nobel Prize nominees have to say about treating cancer that could give you your health back! (The success stories are nothing short of miraculous!)
5 :
Your uncle needs a center of excellence for colon cancer. You can use this map in the box below to find a center close to you. Then you need to find out if the ones near you have good experts in colorectal cancer. Try to get on a clinical trial if possible as, apart from very strange alternative therapies, it is probably his only chance at surviving this.

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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

How can a person with cancer get treatment if they do not have insurance

How can a person with cancer get treatment if they do not have insurance?
My dear friend has lung cancer, and cannot get treatment due to the fact her insurance has dropped her. Are there any programs or facilities that will help an individual?
Cancer - 2 Answers
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1 :
apply for ssi .... during their process to see if you need ssi, they will send u for tests. after their process is done, and u get ssi ... you will then have the insurance to help.
2 :
In my state, Mass. it takes up to 1 yr to get on SSI. No hospital in this country is supposed to refuse anyone treatments. You can try other hospitals. Call the American Cancer Society, or Cancer treatment Centers. The hospitals are everywhere. Go on line and look up the nearest one to you. After treatments are finished. Sue that hospital that denied you treatments or your friend. There is help out there. YOu have to try and find it. My best friend is going through that right now. Her husband had a massive heart attack and stoke all at the same time. He is being treated by the best Docs in Boston. 4 days ago, he underwent open heart surgery for a triple by-pass. They have no insurance either. Now, if this can be done for them. I'm sure something can be done for your friend. Keep looking you will find it. Blessings and I wish your friend the best.
3 :
she should see the social worker at the hospital where she would be treated. They can help her figure out what programs she is eligible for and when and how she can apply for them. There may also be funds from donations that will help pay for treatments. There are lots of options, and the hospital social worker will know what they are.
4 :
If there are no programs at the local/state level, and assuming that medicaid/SSI/disability are being looked into as well, usually the patient would be treated at a local hospital, who has to "eat" the cost. Many times, however, medicaid will later kick in due to the medical costs that accrue at the hospital (medical indebtedness is one of the factors taken into account to qualify for medicaid at least in GA) and then will go back and retroactively pay for prior costs. Blessings

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